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It's everywhere, all around us, every day right in front of our faces, and STILL many people ignore the signs, some play dumb, while others just don't know but are curious to find out, and then theirs the few who do understand with no worries in the world. It's been around since the beginning of times throughout centuries and endless events...we're talking about spiritual warfare.

Yes, ma'am's & sir's, the showdown between good & evil, light against darkness, God vs. Satan, & what we do...thinking we're going to live forever. People, it's really the spiritual warfare is so real, and it's getting closer & closer to the end every day. What I mean by saying it's all around us is just look at it, more TV shows about the devil playing his games, movies of the battles good vs. evil, & some of the music now days listen very closely and you can hear what they rap or sing about. When people say they are being hunted, they see things, listen to something, or feel's all true, but what's the 1st thing people say, "Oh, that person is crazy!" Laugh and joke about the issue, BUT when it's on TV or a MOVIE, you become a believer, so tell me this is the difference between the movies & TV shows than someone telling you they going through the same thing.

I know what it is, you can see it on screen, but there's a problem when a friend or someone you talk to wants to tell you they're dealing with demons...oh, the person is crazy. The truth is you are the absolute FOOL. Don't you know Satan wants you to take it lightly and joke while laughing about it...laugh it up cause what you doing is opening a door for him to mess with you now, then you get scared....but don't get afraid; that's the time when you call on God and his protection. That's the time when you need to get close to him and getting to know him; why do you think he put Eph 6: 10-17 in the bible cause he knew we will need that every morning of our lives. So this acknowledgment is for you all who struggle with the dealings of spiritual warfare; trust me, you're not alone.

I also will love to acknowledge EVERYONE who believes in me the tremendous support from friends & loved ones; I have to do it this way cause I will be here all day listing the people. I thank God for all of you...I genuinely love you all for the support, the long talks we had when I wanting to give up, you all were there to help me up, and the many time I try to walk away from it, you all support, love, & prayers kept me strong thank you all, the knowledge we all share, stories & ideas we talk about, & the prayers in the midst of it all...thank you.

John 3:16         

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