Chapter 4 The Secret Society

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15minutes later, the three of them were standing outside of the restaurant's parking lot, "Well, this is it, Ashley....till we meet again." Magnus smile as Ashley walk towards him, giving him a hug, "Thank you for everything." She responded as her eyes teared up.

"You are very welcome, Ashley, and this won't be the last time." he said, hugging her; he then turned to Dr. Midnight, "Thanks, old friend." Dr. Midnight addressed him while holding his hand out for a handshake, "Anytime, Alexander." Magnus responds, shaking his hand.

"You got everything, Ms. Phoenix?

No, I don't... I didn't know this was all going to happen.

No worries, I'll bring your belongings by the mansion tomorrow." Magnus responded.

"Sounds like a plan, Ashley. Shall we get going? There's much to show you." Midnight said, walking to his car. Ashley following him; she turned and gave a wave bye with a smile Magnus waved back.

They got inside the car. "Relax, Ms. Phoenix, and enjoy the ride." Midnight said, starting the vehicle, and they were off to the Society Mansion.

Ashley was asleep but then woke up. "Had a nice nap?" Midnight asked; before she could answer, something caught her, "Oh wow!" She said, seeing the mansion down the street. She looks around and notices only trees and open land, no other villas or houses in sight, just the Society Mansion, "This is amazing!" She smiles, sitting up in her seat as if a child going to the zoo.

The mansion sat on a hill surrounded by trees and thick woods with a light fog dancing among the area; Dr. Midnight drove up a long driveway that curves around, leading them to the front of the mansion, "We're here." He said, coming to a complete stop.

Ashley got out of the car, eyes glued on the mansion, "....WOW, MY GOD!" She said, overwhelmed, walking towards the mansion looking up. The estate was gray & black, four stores high and a half football field wide with several garages attached to the mansion.

The double front doors were made of glass and wood trim with unique designs of silver, the walkway was made of marble stone, "What's this?" At the foot of the doors, she noticed something was engraved, "That's the crest of The Secret Society." Midnight answer.

The crest was a shield in the center inside was engraved were two S letters back to back with the holy cross behind them, above the shield itself was a halo & on the left side of the shield stood a knight and on the right side was a lion. There were words above & below the crest, "As far as the eyes can see, knowledge has no boundaries." Ashley read.

" far as the eyes can see...not with the physical eye, but with the spiritual eye you can see all." She responded, thinking out loud; Dr. Midnight smirk, "Exactly." He responded.

"Watch your step," he said, opening the doors; the mansion was huge, the floors were smoke grey marble tone the staircase had two sets of entries that formed into a horseshoe. The stairs were made of cherry wood with black iron rails that lead to the mansion's second floor, "Before we go upstairs, let's take a tour of the first floor, shall we." Dr. Midnight said while closing the front doors.

"Yeah, let's do that!" Ashley excited, Dr. Midnight led her into the living room. "Wow, now this looks like the inside of a castle!" She's impressive what's all before her, a colossal brick-made fireplace in the very center of the living room; through the fireplace, she can see the other side of the living room. Each side had a set of couches while the fireplace stood between them with small coffee tables in front of the sofas.

On the walls were a few ancient paintings, dark grey curtains trim with sliver hanging off the windows; also there was a small area like a library with a few books missing off the shelves, each side of the living room had a couple doors, "Follow me, Ms. Phoenix." Dr. Midnight said, heading towards the doors to the left. The doors were made of cherry wood as well, "What you're about to witness is history." He said with a slight smirk on his face. Ashley looks at Midnight, "History of what?" She asked, wondering.

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