She bit her bottom lips, "Come on, Jisoo. Go inside. We will talk about it later. Now, you had better go to your room, take a shower, change your clothes and we will talk during lunchtime." He nodded slowly and walked inside the house. At the corner of the living room, he saw his father looking at him with an expression on his face that Jisoo himself couldn't figure out.

"Dad." Mr. Kim turned his head to the other direction, refusing to talk to him. Jisoo took a deep sighed and walked slowly to his room with head down. After the cold water running into his body, Jisoo felt a little bit fresh, 'I have to see her today.' He told himself, forcefully.

"But what would I say to her? Hello, I'm Jisoo. I'm the one who...who...oh God, please help me." He muttered to himself. He opened the wardrobe looking at a plenty of his shirts.

"What should I wear? Casual or formal? It might be ridiculous if I wear a shirt with a tie to see her." He laughed, bitterly. He pulled out a light blue shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans, "Blue might be her favorite color since she wore a pale blue dress that night." He told himself. His hands were still shaking recalling that horrible night. He stared at his reflection in his bedroom mirror. He looked as if he was dressed for a special date with a special woman. His throat closed. In truth, he was dressed for getting his punishment. His eyes were dark which has no light in there. There were long black lines below his eyes. His unwanted moustache and beard had made his face looked dreadful. His long hair needed to be cut, "I looked awful." He said to himself, "I can't see her like this." He said again, to his imaged from the mirror. He quickly grabbed his wallet and car key heading to the garage without saying anything.

Within two hours, Jisoo came back. His hair was cut short, neatly tidy. His face was cleanly shaven. He looked more relaxed. He got his boyish handsome face back. He parked his car outside the garage then walked towards the dining room where his parents had been waiting for him, "Jisoo, sit down. We have been waiting for you." His mother welcomed him, at the dining table.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." He answered, softly. He pulled out the chair and sat down next to his mother. His father watched him silently.

"Where have you been?" His voice sounded firm.

Jisoo lit up his face to meet his father's sharp eyes, "I went to my hairdresser." He answered, shortly

"You're lying. Going to your hairdresser wouldn't take more than 2 hours. I ask you again, Kim Jisoo.  Where have you been?" Mr. Kim forced his son to look at him at the eyes, as he was afraid Jisoo would try to find Jennie's house. He had an agreement with Jennie for letting her free from any disturbance, especially from Jisoo.

Jisoo felt uneasy. He looked around again, finding his parents were waiting for his answer. He sighed knowing he couldn't utter any lies anymore, "I was driving away on a highway near HER house. That's it."

"Who gave you the permission to see her? Who gave you her address?" Mr. Kim said, his eyes snapping a warning.

He glared at him, "I didn't see her. I just drove away around there. I got her address from Jimin." He paused, and quickly continued when his father was ready to say something, "Don't blame him, Dad. I was the one who forced him to give it to me."

"I tell you right now. You, Jisoo." With his index finger, "have no right and aren't allowed to see her. We have an agreement, black on white. Don't cause more trouble, Jisoo. This is enough." The last sentence was a harsh one.

"Dad. Nobody has the right to decide whomever I want to see. Even you, my father." He answered, firmly. They glared at each other. Mrs. Kim looked at her ex-husband and her son. Both were in a high tension as if ready to explode. Jisoo was as stubborn as his father.

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