"The one you are looking for." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, Sir." I confirmed. "I...was young when she was taken from me. Her boyfriend wasn't a good person and she ended up with the Black Phoenix." I admitted. "Of course we looked for her, but after a few years, the police gave up. A private investigation firm reached out to me a few years later and offered to help me find Clara if I would work for them." I explained.

Dominic Versailles nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Isabelle has more or less told me your story, but I am curious as to what kind of person you are beyond your sister's story, or your work and school."

I met his gaze with curiosity. I hadn't thought that Isabelle's father would be interested in me as a person. After all, he was the leader of the Sapphire Blood and I was just some girl that his daughter brought home. I was still in disbelief that he even allowed me to stay after that day.

"What do you enjoy doing?"

My mind blanked and I realized that I didn't even know how to answer that. For years, my priorities had been set on school and the investigation. I didn't have time to consider hobbies or anything like that. I finally thought of something to say after a minute. "I enjoy...listening to Isabelle sing." I whispered. Isabelle's singing voice always relaxed me. "It makes me happy when she teaches me the guitar, or just spending time with her. She takes my mind off of....my obligations, even if it's just for a short time." A tear slid down my cheek at my own words, and I quickly wiped at it. "I can't turn back now, but I don't want to lose her. I have to find my sister. I have to know."

The man in front of me was certainly a force to be reckoned with, yet currently he looked the furthest thing from the intimidating man I had grown to expect. He was looking at me with an understanding in his eyes. "You know our family's story." I nodded. "My reasons were different from yours. I sought revenge for my Elena. I, too, worried that it would endanger Isabelle, which was why I always tried to keep her as far away from my operations as possible. I am happy that she has found someone to love. I can see you feel the same. I understand your inner conflict. We have also gone too far to stop now." He sighed. "There will be bloodshed."

"Perhaps we can help each other." I whispered. "Once we get Clara home, I can find some way to help...I can get intel for you."

Dominic Versailles made eye contact with me. "I am not leaving this unscathed. I knew that from the moment I made my decision to avenge Elena. I am far from faultless, but I will go to any lengths to protect my Isabelle, and she would be heartbroken if any harm were to come to you." I bit my lip silently as he continued. "If I manage to take down the Vincenzo family, I will disband the Sapphire Blood. I have no interest in continuing the business that is the very reason for my wife's death. I have no doubt that I won't be able to evade law enforcement when the time comes, but I will do everything possible to keep my Isabelle and the girl she loves out of the way."

I froze again and stared at him. "B-but if you are caught, you'll be separated from her..." my voice broke. "She'll be devastated." I knew that Isabelle and her father was extremely close.

Dominic Versailles looked down at the table for a moment before giving me a weary smile. "But she won't be alone. I trust that you will take care of her." My eyes widened. He reached over and squeezed my free hand slightly. "I am quite good at reading people. The day we met, I had some suspicions, so I had Marcel look into them, but I didn't speak on it because I could tell that my daughter was fond of you. After our talk tonight, I trust that you are sincere." He let go of my hand after a moment and stood up.

"It's quite late. You should get some rest. Try not to linger too much on stressful matters. Something I have learned over the years is that certain things can always wait until the morning and that there is no purpose in worrying about matters you cannot change." He said before walking off. "Bonne nuit, Mademoiselle Reagan."

"Goodnight..." I echoed after him. I probably stayed sitting in my chair for several more minutes before standing to rinse out the cup in the sink. Then I set it aside to dry before making my way back upstairs. Isabelle was still sound asleep. I carefully slid under the covers again. Almost instantly, she shifted and snaked her arms around my waist, pulling me close. My heart fluttered with warmth. The thought of the meeting still made me anxious, but surprisingly I was able to push those thoughts aside for the time being and drift off to sleep in the arms of the girl I loved.


Hi everyone!

Sorry for the wait, it's been a stressful couple of weeks. Here is the next chapter:).

Lots of love,

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