Part One: Chapter Nine

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Finally at the end of the stair well, Sang Wook pushed the crates down and untied the chain. Angrily, and storming off. "Sir!" She yelled again.

"Hey." Jae-heon grabbed his arm but Sang Wook shook him off, dropping his phone. Y/n pass Jae-heon, trying to catch up with Sang Wook, "Y/n?!"

Y/n followed him down the hall, a bit behind him then saw a man with a sledgehammer, "Sir, Watch out!" She called but was to late because he got hit but the sledgehammer. Y/n got action and hit the stranger with her bat, he screamed in agony, then swung the sledgehammer at her, hitting her head. Y/n fell to the ground losing her bat somewhere. The man with the hammer looked back at Sang Wook and was going to hit him but Sang Wook caught the hammer. Y/n was still on the floor trying to up, with her vision blurring in and out on the floor due to the sledgehammer hitting her pretty hard on the side of her face. Sang Wook stared at her then threw the man across the bricks.

Sang Wook stepped on the brick wall and over to the man. "He's a murderer." The man called out, Sang Wook hit his leg with the sledgehammer as everyone watched, the man fell onto the floor then looked up at him, "You Fucking murderer." Sang Wook got closer and closer then got on top of the man. "You shouldn't die like that." Then hitting him in his face, "You shouldn't die peacefully. " Then hit him again,"No... you don't deserve a humane death." Then hit him again, "You..."

"You fucking murderer..." The man called. Sang Wook hung the sledgehammer, ready to hit him again, "You don't deserve to live." Sang Wook said, then finishing him off with another hit.


Y/n got onto her feet and ran over to the brick wall see Sang Wook with the man dragging him to the front entrance, Jae-heon saw Y/n and how she looked, she was breathing heavily and had a hug gash oh the side of her face. She felt dizzy and all most fell but Jae-heon caught her. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked. She didn't have enough air for her to breath so she just wondered her eyes, with her vision going in and out.  Jae-heon called Ji Soo over and she took charge of her while Jae-heon went over to Sang Wook. Then Y/n black out.


Hyun saw, Yu-ri, and the old man finally made it to room 1408 and brought them downstairs. Once they reached the downstairs Ji Soo looked worried about something,  Hyun Soo grew worried cause he couldn't find Y/n. He was sadly took back to his cage, with his worries about Y/n and her safety.


Hyun Soo was used as a catcher, he brings peoples belonging back from there home and brings them back. Y/n was still unconscious after his first run then woke up. Groaning she tried to move but her head was pounding from pain, "Shh.." a voice called, Y/n looked and saw Ji Soo lying her back down. "Ji Soo." She asked. "The one and only."She smiled. Y/n smiled then asked, "Where's Hyun Soo?"

"He's running peoples errands right now but he'll be back soon." Ji Soo assured her. Y/n felt the side of her face to feel a bandage on the side of her face. "He hit you pretty good with that hammer. " Ji Soo said with a sad look and a small smile. She sighed, "Rest for a couple more minutes, Hyun Soo will be back by then and you can see him, okay?" Ji Soo said. y/n nodded and lying down again.


As everyone practiced a drill in case a monster came, Y/n came out of her rest room and stood there watching Ji Soo get into a bag and a girl clapping. Du-sik saw Y/n and smiled, Y/n saw him and smiled back as he rolled away. Y/n saw the children and waved at them, they smiled and waved back. She saw Sang Wook and walked over to him, "Hello." she said, he looked up at her since she was sitting and looked back, "how are you feeling?" She said, he looked at her "normal." He said looked at her , "how are you feeling?" he asked, "Better then an hour ago.  " she said sitting down next to him. "Do you know what the pictures were about?" She asked.

He was confused, "What?"

"In that red light room, those pictures of those small children." She said.  He sighed and looked away, "Victims of that man." He said, "Sledgehammer?"

"Sledgehammer.." He said then chucked at the name a bit. "He was no human, and deserve that death." He said. Y/n did think the same even though she wasn't that type of person. As someone cleared there throat in front of them Y/n looked at Jae-heon he smiled at her then looked at Sang Wook, "May we talk?" He asked, Sang Wook stood up and left with Jae-heon.


As everyone went to go do their daily rules and new routine , Y/n finished and chatted with Du-sik laughing at what happened before this hole mess and while it happened. "Where's Myung-sook?" She asked, Y/n hadn't seen her at all so she thought to ask Du-sik, he sighed, "She turned...into a fetus." He said.

Y/n looked down in sadness hurt to here that the sweet lady turned. "Did she hurt anyone."

"No, she stayed in the bathroom when she turned so she wouldn't hurt the children." He said, Y/n nodded.

"Y/n?" A voice called, Y/n turned to her right and saw Hyun Soo. He ran up to her and hugged her. Happy to see her safe but she looked like she was hurt. Before he could ask what had happened, Du-sik cleared his throat with a sad look. Hyun Soo understood and pulled away from Y/n and placed his bag and weapon down. He unhooked the chain to the door and handed the lock to the chain to Y/n since she was closest. She looked at him sadly and took it from him holding his hand. She gave him a kiss on his cheek and let go of his hand. Hyun Soo left to his room and shut the door behind him. She looked at the lock a bit longer and looked at Du-sik just to see him roll away.


Y/n started to worry about Hyun Soo, she didn't agree about what they were doing with Hyun Soo and was walking into the main hall when she heard the whistle blow. She grabbed the girl to make sure she wouldn't get hurt backing her away from whatever was happening. She grabbed her bat and stood there with her bat in hand, Sang Wook stood next to her then felt a hand on her shoulder, "It's my husband. " She said. "I have to do this." Y/n nodded and lowered her bat.

As she was talking to her husband she looked like she was ready to kill her abusive husband. "Any last words?" She asked, his words were hard to hear from where she was standing but Y/n saw her eyes water. As she hit him over and over again repeating her cries and hits. Y/n saw Hyun Soo walked into the action of the monster dying. He looked shocked at the sense in front of him. She walked over to Hyun Soo putting a hand on his shoulder, and walked him away from the monsters dead body. She knew he was thinking it was going to be him if he ever turned so she walked him away.

The monsters hair was everywhere and once they got to the store they found the door that had fallen. Hyun Soo continued to walk but Y/n stopped him grabbing his wrist. "Hyun Soo.." She said quietly. Sad for him since he seemed deep in thought. She went up to him and kissed him on the cheek. It was a normal thing, a way for her to say 'be safe' or 'good night'. He shook her off of him and walked away. Y/n so wanted to help him so badly but so far she felt like she wasn't helping.

She walked back into a hall and just sat there deep in her own thoughts. Was she in the way?  Was all her brain could think. With other negative thoughts.

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