Part One: Chapter Five

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Finally escaping and making it to Du-Sik room, Hyun Soo came up to Y/n and hugged her. Y/n hugged back as usual. Soon pulling back, Y/n wanted to ask about what happened earlier, in the staircase but held off on it, it was something probably left private. Y/n smiled and walked over to the children to check if they were hurt.

Y/n sat with them until the door opened to relive the woman from earlier, Du-sik and Hyun Soo raised their weapons while Y/n hugged the children, "Who are you?" Du-sik asked. The woman look to Y/n and the children with a smile and a wave, Y/n returned with a smile and a nod.


Hyun Soo and Y/n were sitting next to one another in silent till Y/n decided to ask him about earlier. "What happened earlier?" She asked Hyun Soo, He looked up confused, "Your eyes were black and you seemed... how do I put this.. crazy?" She said trying to describe it.

"Oh, uhh" Hyun Soo had no idea how to describe it.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it, I understand." She said, putting her hand on top of his. Hyun Soo looked at Y/n's hand and was left out of words and his face felt hot. He decided to be straight forward with her.

After his story and how it started, Y/n listen with respect and didn't ask question him even though she had many. Soon he came to an end and held head down. Y/n was going to say something but the two people from earlier came through the door with food, and Hyun Soo went to the bathroom.

Later Dinner was ready and everyone was surrounding the table, waiting for the last to meals to be finish and for Hyun Soo to come out of the bathroom. Both the last two meals and Hyun soo came out from the bathroom, Ji Soo grabbed them and sat them down while Du-sik looked at Hyun Soo, "Come and Sit." He said.

Hyun Soo came to the dinner table and sat, Y/n was in between Jae-heon and Myung-sook. Du-sik looked to his left and said to enjoy the food then looking at the others, "Let's eat." He said. I started to eat, enjoy the food, then Du-sik turned to the kids, "Kids.." he said, "What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Kim Yeong-su." The little boy said.

"I'm Kim Su-yeong." The little girl said.

"Kim Yeong-su and Kim Su-yeong." Du-sik faced forward with a same gasp. "Yeong-su and Su-yeong..." Everyone was now starting to look at him. "They're peculiar names.." He turned to Hyun Soo then back to the kids, "I guess your parents gave you similar names, so you two would always stick together. Yeong-su and Su-yeong. Right?"

Su-yeong's head was down, "Dad named us.." Everyone went silent, Hyun Soo and Y/n knew what happened to the children's father sadly. "Dad.." Yeong-su started to tear up which made Y/n feel terrible, Myung-sook comfort the boy and gave him a piece of her meal, "Thank you." He said.

Du-sik backed up to get something, offering beer to the adults of the table. Jae-heon reject the offer saying he doesn't drink, but Ji Soo gladly took it, jugging it like it was nothing. Once she was done she slammed the beer on the table making Y/n chuckle a bit by her actions. Du-sik opened another one offering it to Hyun Soo.

"Here, you can have one, too."

"Oh, i'm..."

Du-sik realized, "Oh, right. You're a minor. Right, there are kids here. So let's not break the law. I'll buy you a drink when you become an adult." He said and nodded, "You will learn how to drink like an adult." then took a sip of his drink.

"Do you think...that day will come?" Hyun Soo said, Y/n stopped eating and looked up at Hyun Soo, shocked but it was understand, the table was quiet and thoughts seemed loud. Du--sik looked around but didn't give an answer.

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