Fake (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: A small Khai's POV about his idiotic behaviour from the Kahi/Third miniseries. 

Khai was an asshole, he knew it, but today he felt like the biggest one. What his girlfriend said to Third was unforgivable, yet he sided with her just for her to let him in her pants. He didn't imagine Third would react like this, nor Two or Bone. For fucks sake, he didn't even know Third was gay. What a fake friend he was. What a fucking asshole of the best friend he was. Third must have been disappointed. 

Khai broke up with her on the spot. He had to contact Third and apologise. But it wasn't as easy as he thought it would. Third avoided him, didn't take his calls, or replaying to his messages. Even Two and Bone were reluctant to talk to him. Khai did all he could to make them let him see Third. 

Khai spent most of the time thinking how stupid he was not to see the signs. They were always there. Third never dated anyone, rejecting every advance from girls, but not that much from guys. Khai himself was bi, even though he dated girls all the time. They were just easier to seduce than guys. So why didn't he know? 

Maybe because Third was his from the start? Because his heart always belonged to his cute short friend? Khai sighed. How could he hurt his Third this much? He stood up from the couch he was sitting on, taking the keys from Chawe, determined to make things right again. 

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