Pride (Off/Gun)

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The Pride flag fluttered in the wind above the people's heads. The distance he was standing at was perfect for him to see all the faces. But only one of them shined the brightest. The radiant smile of his coworker, best friend, and lover made his heart flutter. His lips curved in the onesided smile automatically. He had to look away for a second before his heart burst. And when he looked up again, his gaze meeting with Gun's, Off would swear he fall in love with the younger man over again. It was time for him to move. He walked slowly to the jumping man's side, listening to his sweet voice shouting the sentences from the script. Off let Gun skip around him, observing him with gentle eyes before he hesitatingly allowed him to take his hand and make him join the crowd. 

"Cut!" Director shouted, stopping the cameras and all the people on the set. The flag disappeared, revealing the light from street lamps. Off pulled Gun closer to his chest, circling his long arms around the small frame. 

"You are beautiful." He whispered into his ear, making Gun blush. 

"Papi," Gun whispered, hiding his face shyly into the fabric of Off's shirt. 

OffGun March Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now