Gun (Sean/White)

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Author's note: In the mood for a heartbreaking story today. Sorry, not sorry.

The black object in his hand felt heavier than the first time he held it. The cold from the metal was biting into his palms, making him shiver. Sitting defeatedly on the floor, sprawled in front of the old creaky bed with tears rolling down his pale face, White held onto the gun he found in his brother's drawer. Black told him to disappear, and Sean didn't want to see his face anymore. The world he created in the name of his twin came tumbling down like a house of cards. There was nothing left. His little hands played with the fuse. It would be so easy to end it right here. If he disappeared forever, Black and Sean would be happy. 

The painful cry escaped his cracked lips in a last attempt to call for help. White took a deep breath before he slowly lifted the gun, pointing it at his temple. His hands were trembling, making the metal object unsteady. He attached the barrel closer to his head, feeling the cold spreading through the skin. Closing his eyes, he was ready to end it all. 


The gun was suddenly ripped out of his hand and tossed somewhere further into the room. White heard it landing on the ground with a loud thud. The familiar arms pulled him closer. He inhaled sharply, recognizing the smell of the person holding him. White didn't want to open his eyes just yet in the case he was imagining things. 

"I am here. I am sorry, White." Sean spoke, his voice trembling as he rocked their bodies back and forth. And White cried harder, letting all the pain flow out of his body, clutching on to the man he loved with his whole heart. 

"Shhh, I am here," Sean assured him, tightening his grip, letting his tears fall freely too. 

OffGun March Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now