Lie (Off/Gun)

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Observing Gun was always Off's favourite thing to do. From his fluffy hair to his adorable button nos, round sparkling eyes, and his favourite plump lips. The way he smiled, showing off his cute little dimple, made his heart jump. And the way he was dressed for today's event. Oh, God, he looked so fine. Off would lie, he didn't imagine the tips of his fingers travelling across the pale skin of Gun's waist and tummy, feeling its softnesses. His smile changed to frown, realizing it wasn't only him who will see Gun's body today.

"Are you okay, Papi?" Gun asked, concerned. 

"Hmm." Off hummed. 

"Liar." Gun pouted.

"You were smiling and suddenly started scowling." Gun pointed out, making Off chuckle. 

"It's nothing serious. I will tell you later." He answered, wrapping his arm around younger's petite waist, intentionally brushing his fingers on the revealed skin. 

"Papi," Gun whined as his cheeks turned bright red. 

OffGun March Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now