Equality (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: It's longer than I intended. I am planning part 2 anyway 🤷‍♀️

The Hod gang were sitting at the table outside of their faculty, working on their next project idea. It would be a pretty nice day if one of the girls Khai currently dated didn't make her way to them. She would pass as a quiet beauty, but neither Third, Bone or White liked her. If Third could say, she was the worst pick Khai ever made. Usually, he chooses a decent human being. 

"Hi, baby." The girl slurred. She proceeds to kiss Khai on the lips before she sits on his lap. Third almost gagged at it, not mentioning the sting of pain in his heart. 

"Hi," Khai answered, moving her from him on the bench. She frowned but stayed seated. 

"We are working on the project. Can you wait?" He asked. The girl nodded, leaching on his arm. Third had to take a deep breath. It was hard to see Khai like this even though he should be already used to it. He felt White's hand on his thigh, patting him in comfort manner, and he felt somehow relieved. 

They were talking about the setting of the short film, and to their surprise, the girl didn't interrupt much. 

"Disgusting." She spoke up suddenly, her gaze following the two boys that just passed by. It was hard not to notice they were a couple. They were holding hands and occasionally kissing each other's cheeks. Third frowned at her remark. 

"What's disgusting about that?" He asked, annoyed. 

"It's unnature. A man should be with a woman, not with another man. Freaks of nature." She grimaced.

"We live in modern society. There's equality in love regardless of gender. Who you are to judge it?" Third, snarled, glaring at the girl, who was now clutching Khai's arm, in an attempt to side with her.

"Tone it down, Third. She didn't mean any harm." Khai spoke, addressing his best friend.

"Are you kidding me right now? Didn't you hear what she said?" Third raised his voice, looking at Khai in utter shock. 

"I did hear her. It's her opinion and she can voice it out." Khai defended his girlfriend.

"Why are you so agitated about it, anyway?" He asked, partly curious. 

"Agitated? Why am I agitated? Maybe because I am one of them, Khai. I am disgusting gay too." Third snapped back, tears already rolling down his face. He hurriedly showed his belonging inside his backpack, facing Khai one more time.

"You don't have to talk to me anymore if you are as homophobic as her." He added before running away. 

"Asshole." White snapped at still stunned Khai, following Third. 

"You are an idiot, Khai." Bone sight, shaking his head. 

"Don't tell me you didn't know?" He added, sensing Khai's shocked state. 

"No, I didn't," Khai mumbled, looking at his hands in shame. 

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