Equity (Bright/Liftoil)

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It wasn't that long Bright opened his bar. He was proud of it and was eager to make it work. The customers were flowing in each day, making his business stable. But there was this one particular customer who came here almost every night. The guy was short with dark brown hair that looked fluffy like cotton candy. Bright wanted to run his fingers through them to know if they are just as soft as they looked. The guy was still attending college, judging by his clothes. But what was angering Bright the most was the boy's companion. Every time the male came, he had a different partner with him. Not that he counted, but it was six guys and two girls. Were was equity in this. Liftoil, as Bright caught it was the boy's name, had people gravitating to him while he had to work hard for it.  

Or maybe it was something else. Liftoil never paid for the food. It was always the other person. The shorty would laugh, chat animatedly, and be touchy-feely with them before leaving. Liftoil was suspicious. When the boy walked into the pub again without a partner, sitting at his regular table, Bright couldn't think straight. He stomped his way to his table, tapping on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hello?" Liftoil greeted him with a shy smile.

"Hi," Bright answered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"Look. I know you are regular here. How do I say this?" He continued.

"Don't bring your customers here, please. I don't like it. I think you shouldn't be doing this in the first place. If you need money, you can work here. I need a part-timer anyway." Bright blurted out. Liftoil was blinking at him with his long eyelashes, confusion written over his beautiful face. 

"Customers?" He asked with eyes widened. 

"I am not!" Liftoil almost yelled when he realized what Bright meant. 

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