Chapter 2 - Why Are We Getting So Many Letters?

Start from the beginning

As he looked at Dud, dad said that it was the proudest moment of his life. Mum almost burst into tears and said " Oh, Vernon, pinch me. I can't believe it's my Ickle Dudleykins. Oh my Dudykins, you look so handsome an-and grown up."


"How does this work?"

"You press this button and then the green one. Then you choose your sound."

Today was 23th July, Dud's birthday. The time was 9:00 pm and we, Dud and I, were opening Dud's gifts. There was this greenish-red piano type thingy which I didn't understand. So Dud told me to press the red button then the green and then I can choose which ever tune I like. "Mind you, Leta, don't let Harry get his hands on this or he will blast it."

*Flashback ends*

There was a horrible smell in the kitchen the next morning when I went in for breakfast. I casually asked mum was is that and her reply was -

"Oh this?"

I nodded,

"This is Harry's new school uniform."

"Oh, I didn't think it would be this wet."

"Don't be stupid El-Violet. I am dying some of Dudley's old clothes grey for him. Easy, I don't have to spend money on him."

Dud and dad came into the kitchen, both wrinkled noses because of the smell from Harry's school uniform. Dad opened his newspaper as usual and Dud banged his Smeltings sticks, which he carried everywhere, on the table.

They heard the click of the letter-box and flop of letters on the doormat.

"Get the post, Dudley." dad said from behind his paper.

"Make Harry get it."

"Get the post, Harry."

"Make Dudley get it."

"Poke him with your Smelting's sticks, Dudley."

After having difficulties to dodge them, Harry made his way to get the post with me on his tail.

There were 4 letters -

1. A postcard from dad's sister, Marge. (who was spending her holidays on the Isle of Wight.)

2. A brown envelope. (maybe a bill?)

3. A pale-white letter with -

Ms E. Potter
The Bedroom on the Corner
4, Privet Drive
Little Whinging

- written on it (Who's E. Potter?)

4. Another pale-white letter but this time this time -

Mr H. Potter
The Cupboard under the Stairs
4, Privet Drive
Little Whinging

- was written on it (Harry's got a letterrrr)

The envelope's properties -

1. The two envelopes were thick and heavy. (1 ton definitely.)

2. They were made of yellow-ish parchment paper. (Old paper used! Very old paper used!)

3. The address was written in emerald-green ink. (That's my second favourite colour!)

4. There was no stamp. (No stamp?)

I turned the letter over, seeing a purple wax seal, with a rectangle divided into four squares. On the top-left, the rectangle was red and on the middle, a golden lion was drawn. On the top-right, it was green with a silver-outlined snake drawn in the middle. The bottom-left was blue and an eagle in brown was drawn and in the bottom-right, it was yellow with a bronze badger drawn on it. They were surrounding the letter 'H'.

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