Chapter 12: Strawberries and Vanilla (Part 2)

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Niall POV:

“Never have I ever wanked to topless photo’s of my crush” Zayn says eyeing Harry.

Harry puts his head down in shame, while Liam giggles a little. Harry then looks more alive since he found a good question I suppose.

“Never have I ever been caught or have caught someone in a sexual act” he says knowing everyone will have to take a swig.

We all drink a bit and Harry types in the points.

Liam POV:

It was my turn, knowing the softie I am I had a mushy question.

“Never have I ever been in love” I say looking to the curly headed boy beside me, my boyfriend, Harry.

At this rate we are all going to be drunk if we keep asking general questions, well except me. I am drinking a soda since I only have one kidney, it sucks but I can still have fun and drink something, and on a plus side I am naturally responsible.

We all put a point down after a gulp and the next question goes to Zayn, I wonder what he is going to ask.

“Never have I ever fingered myself” he says trying not to laugh, I have to admit it was a funny question.

Harry took a drink and put yet another point down, he was two ahead of everyone. I can see Niall and Zayn’s shocked expressions when he drank, no one expected anyone to have done that.

Harry POV:

I drink after Zayn’s question, all the boys look at me like there is a giant spider on my face.

“What?” I ask.

“I thought no one here would have done that!” Zayn says trying not to laugh.

“Who was it for?”

“Lixaysuibiw” I mutter.

“Come again?”

“Liam” I sighed, I was too embarrassed to show my face so I hid behind a pillow. Peeking over it I could see Liam blushing, was he flattered? Oh my god that is hilarious.

Zayn POV:

After that ridiculous game we decided to have some food and watch movies. Niall was snuggled up into my shoulder almost asleep and Harry and Zayn were sleeping too under a big blanket. I couldn’t really get to sleep so I just sat there playing on my phone. Momentarily after I finished playing a game my phone was buzzing, it was a call from my house.

“Hello?” I whispered into the phone, I didn’t want Niall to wake up, he looked so peaceful.

“Zayn, why are you whispering?” my dad said on the other side.

“I told you, I am at a sleepover with Niall, Liam and Harry at Niall’s and they are all asleep!”

“Oh okay” he said.

“Dad what’s so important that you have to call me at twelve in the morning?” I ask.

“Well your mother and I just heard from Waliyha and Safaa’s dance academy that they will be going on a dance trip this winter break, so I was wondering if you wanted to ask your friends to the cabin? I trust since your old enough that things will be okay, does that sound like something you and your friends will like?”

“Yeah it sounds perfect! I’ll tell them in the morning, thanks so much dad!” I say in a barely audible voice.

“Good night Zayn, love you” he says.

“love you too dad” I reply before I turn off my phone.

I stare down at the blonde angel before me, his hair is growing out, I can see his brown roots coming through, I think he should grow it out, it would look adorable. He rustles a little and then clings to me tightly, he seems to be having a bad dream. I wrap my arm around him and I pull him in close. I pull our blanked up to warm us and he stops moving. I close my eyes while breathing in, I can smell him, he smells like strawberries and vanilla, like perfection.

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