Chapter 1: Confusion and Regret

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Niall POV:

I never asked for it, I really don’t know why I got treated this way. What did I ever do to him? I have known him forever, but he has never liked me and I don’t know why. Am I that much of a loser? Am I that pathetic? Sure I am skinny and short and nerdy, but why do I deserve so much hate? Why me? Why?

Zayn POV:

“Oh my god Harry you should have seen the look on his face!” I say to one of my best friends, “It was priceless”.

“Lou, if you could only do one thing to him over and over again for half an hour what would you do?”

“Slap the fuck out of him and call him a gay pussy!” he smirks.

“Guys, you should lay off him, what did he ever do to you?” Harry said. I had to agree with him, Niall never did anything wrong, it was always my fault, always, I hurt him. I couldn’t let the boys think I was weak, and I pitied him.

“I for one would fucking kick him in the nuts so hard he would never be able to procreate”

“Guys he cant procreate! He is a fag” Louis stated.

“Hahaha yeah….” Harry said nervously, what wasn’t he telling me?

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