(13) A New Boy in Year 2

Start from the beginning

Inside the classroom there was five tables each with five kids at. Me, Tubbo, Aimsey, Billzo and Freddie all sat at the only inside the classroom where there was a sixth seat available for someone and now it was taken.

By Ranboo.

Ranboo POV:

A couple of hours earlier.

I was getting into my new school uniform and I was petrifired. For the past year my mum and dad had been home schooling me as they didn't want to risk me getting bullied for the way I looked but they finally decided that enough was enough and that I needed to go to an actual school as they weren't the smartest or the nicest people ever. They are quite homophobic to say the least, they were very releuctant to send me to a school were the headteacher was gay but it was the only school that was close to our house so they had no choice.

I'm not saying I don't love my mum and dad but them forcing me to go to a school full of probably mean kids, when I have half black and white hair and I cant look at my own face so I have to wear a mask all the time, I'm going to be bullied to hell there.

"Theres no other choice" I muttered to myself as I left my house alone.

As I walked to the school that was thankfully only a couple of minutes away from my house, I felt the stares of people as I walked by. That was one thing I was hoping to change when we moved from America to England but of course it didn't. Different country, same cold stares.


"Ahh, you must be Ranboo?" Headteacher Scott said in his scottish accent as I walked into his office. I quickly nodded my head.

"A quiet one, thats cool, now your parents have told me about your problems and I want to make you feel comfortable around here so every teacher in the school knows not to question you about the mask or hair so you wont have any problems with that" Scott finished.

I mumbled a quick "Thank you" just loud enough for him to hear from across the desk.

"Obviously as it is a school there are rules but they are quite relaxed so dont worry" He started as I listened closely, I dont want to get into trouble here, my parents would kill me, not literally of course. "The obvious rules are No bullying, No stealing, No homophobia" He conitnued to list the rules but I wasn't paying attention.

"You okay there, kiddo?" Scott asked concern in his voice.

"Yeah, its just that my parents said that homophobia is a good thing" I questioned confused as to why my parents would lie to me.

"Oh yes, your parents stated their beliefs to me quite clearly over the phone when we talked about you. I hope you don't turn out like them. Well anyway I am going to call your teacher to come and get you and take you to your classroom." Scott finished to which I quickly nod my head ashamed of myself.


My teacher, Mr Jacobs, had now picked me up from the headteacher's office and was now taking me to the classroom. He seemed nice enough. He didn't seem to have many rules for his classroom it seemed so it must be a pretty relaxed class, that's good.


"You can come in now!" I heard Mr Jacobs shout from inside the classroom and after I seconds off trying to gain control of my nerves I walked into the room.

I immediately heard a few snickers and laughs from people but I was used to it so I ignored them. Mr Jacobs started to introduce me so I took the time to have a look around at the other kids. Looking around I saw a boy wearing a skirt which caused my face to slightly scrunch up in disgust. I quickly move on from the boy in the skirt uniform and look at the table that is in the direct center of the room. On there sat four boys and one girl, all of them were staring at me but not in a mean or cold way more in a friendly way.


Mr Jacobs told me to sit at the center table.

"I i'm Tubbo, nice to meet you Ranboo, you look cool" The boy who sat next to me said energtically.

"Hi Tubbo, nice to meet you too" I replied trying to match his entuasiasm but it didn't work.

"Well thats Tommy, thats Billzo, thats Aimsey and thats Freddie" Tubbo said still energetic as hell pointing to each memeber of the table to which the member answered with a smile and a wave.

Mr Jacobs let the class just talk for a while so me and the others at the table got to know each other until the boy in the skirt walked over to us.

"Hey guys!" The boy exclaimed happily with a big smile.

"Hey Eret!" Freddie responded just as happy.

"So theres going to be a sleepover at my house this friday night!" Eret said.

"Oh cool, whats the occassion?" Tommy asked intrigued in the sleepover.

"Oh nothing, its just for fun, I though we could all go over to my house straight after school and we could hang out and then you guys could stay the night"

"Cool, that sounds fun, who else is going?" Tubbo asked excited for the sleepover already.

"Uhm, it will probably just be me, you guys, Foolish and Ranboo if he wants?" Eret started and everyones head turned to look at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Do you want to come to my sleepover this friday?" Eret asked politely in a surpriselingly deep bristish voice.

"Uhm" I didn't know how to answer, Eret was literally the definition of what my parents hate so if they knew about him they wouldn't let me go but these people seem cool and I want to have friends. "Sure I guess, I'll see what my parents say" I reluctantly agree.

"Cool bring some overnight clothes to school on friday so we can all go to my house straight from school" Eret finished and everyone nodded their heads in repsonse. Eret walked away with a smile.

"Why is he wearing a skirt?" I ask the table causing the others to look at me wierdly.

"What do you mean?" Billzo asks confused.

"Well my parents say that boys wear trousers and girls wear skirts and dresses, Eret's a boy so i'm confused" I answered looking down at the table.

"Your parents sound like bad people dude" Tommy responds and I shrug my shoulders. Maybe they are.


The rest of the day went by quickly and it was already the end of the day. Tommy, Tubbo, Freddie, Aimsey and Billzo all seem to be cool and friendly, hopefully that lasts. The six of us sat together at lunch time with Eret and Foolish apparently they do that everyday. Eret and I got to know each other better over lunch and they also seemed cool. I don't get why my parents think that people like Eret or Scott are bad they both seem great. I didn't really talk to Foolish but he seems fine as well.

"The three of us need a name" Tubbo said cheerfully as me, him and Tommy walked out of the school building and onto the pavement.

The other two started brainstorming trio names as I took in our current surroundings until something clicked.

"How about?" I paused as the other two stopped brainstorming to look at me.

"The Bench Trio" I said and the other two immediately burst out into claps and cheers.

"Thats perfect Ranboo!" Tubbo gleed starting to hop up and down on the path.

The Birth of the bench trio.

The End of Chapter 13.

Note: I really didn't know how to end this chapter but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

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