Chapter Thirty-Four

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April 13th, 2017
Denver, Colorado

When I arrived at the police station I made my way towards Hotch. I backed him into the conference room and demanded that he give me authorization to find Jennifer. I was not going to lose her again.

It took me 45 minutes to find her. When we got together, I got her these traceable earrings, something new I found in London a while ago. Never knew if they would work but she always wore them no matter what.

As I was putting on my vest I sent a prayer up. I'm not a very religious person but right now I needed all the help I could get. I needed to find her in one piece, I needed her here with me. Derek gave me one of his sidearms and we climbed into the SUV heading towards the house where Jennifer should be.

I leaned my head back against the seat as Derek raced towards the house. My heart was trying to beat out of my chest. It's always us. We are always the ones to get taken. We are always saving each other and I guess that's why we fell in love with one another. We have that kinda relationship.

We pulled up about a mile down from the house. Derek and I were heading in on foot while swat took an armed truck. We made it to the house in record time. He took out a small fly camera and sent it in. We stayed quiet as we watched the camera looking for signs of Jennifer. The unsub was actually bringing her upstairs our way. I radio swat to our position and we waited. I held my breath as the door opens. I cock my gun and place it against his head.

"If I were you I would let her go.. You don't want it to end this way"


I sat beside Jennifer's hospital bed after they got her checked out and all the test ran. She was curled into herself as she slept. My hand held tightly in hers. I bowed my head and prayed for what seems like the 5th time. Now that I have her back, I have to keep her back. I can't risk her life anymore..

I got up and kissed her forehead before going into the hallway to find Hotch.

"Hey, uhh. Can we talk?" He was talking to Rossi.

"Yeah" he nodded towards the private waiting room. We went in and sat down so we could talk some things over. I kept my eyes on her room as we talked. Jennifer is going to hate my decision but this needs to be done. She has so much to live for.


Jennifer and I slept on the couch during the plane ride back home. She wouldn't let me out of her sight. She's very aware of the guys more now. If they come near her she moves away, she doesn't look at them and she keeps her head bowed when they speak at her. It angers me because the unsub ruined her but not for good.

Garcia was watching Henry for a few days while Jennifer settled in at home. Hotch gave her a month off since she has to be cleared again. We climbed into the car once we made it off the plane. I stopped by the store to get a few things that hopefully would help her. She was curled up in her seat when I got back to the car.

She immediately went to our room when we got home. I heard the shower turn on as I put everything away and started the laundry. I went around downstairs and cleaned up from when Jack stayed over. I lit her favorite candles and threw our cover into the dryer. I go into the guest bathroom and take a quick shower and get dressed so I can make us something to eat.

I made us a quick BLT sandwich with some chips and take everything upstairs. She was walking into the room as I walked in. She sent a smile my way at seeing everything. She sighs when her body touches the warm covers. I hand her the plate after she gets settled. I sit beside her and we eat in silence while watching Legally Blonde, Jennifer's comfort movie, weird isn't it, but totally makes sense.

After I come back upstairs from washing our dishes and checking everything we curl up in bed. Her head on my chest as I run my fingers through her now short hair. I think she looks so beautiful.

"I wanted to give up.." I heard her whisper. "I thought nobody would find me.. I was so scared that Henry was going to lose me, I was scared to leave you.. I fought for as long as I could ya know. But I almost gave up. Then I saw you.. You were there. Then you were gone again. I knew you'd find me. It felt like a lifetime being there."

"I'll always find you Jennifer. I wasn't going to lose you again. I just got you back. We have so much to explore with one another. I want marriage, I want more kids, I want forever with you."

"I love you Emily" I leaned my forehead down against hers.

"I love you too Jennifer so much. You mean everything to me" she gave me a quick kiss then pulled away laying back down.

I knew there was more she wanted to say, but I didn't want push her. She'll tell me when she's ready. I'm just glad to have her back home.


She's back home! And look Emily didn't harm anyone, this time.

What did Emily and Hotch talk about? 👀 any guesses? Whoever guesses it right gets $500 dollars 💀

Anyways, stay tuned! There's more planned for this story and DO NOT ASK FOR AN UPDATE

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