Chapter Two

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Warning: Domestic abuse.

*Domestic violence is a serious threat for many women. Know the signs of an abusive relationship and how to leave a dangerous situation.

*National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233). Call the hotline for crisis intervention and referrals to resources, such as women's shelters.


August 10th, 2016 - 4 years later
Virginia, Jareau Household

Will has been acting strange the last couple of months, calling me everyday to see when I'm coming home from a case. Always "working", stays over too long. I've also noticed that he has been drinking more, whatever he can find. Beer, whisky, vodka, wine, anything that doesn't have him sober.

It's hard keeping secrets from profilers especially when they want you to host team night, you come up with a good lie that can only last so long. It's been months since Garcia and I have had girls night and I know that's my fault. But, ever since she left nothing has been the same and that was 4 years ago.

"Is my breakfast ready yet?" Will asked coming into the kitchen. I jumped and turned back to the stove.

"Finishing up now" I felt him come up behind me and I froze, I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I want you for breakfast instead..." I shivered and tried to push him away.

"I don't feel good Will" I turned the stove off and put the food on a plate for him. "Eat while I get ready please" I didn't give him a chance response before I basically ran from the kitchen.

After, getting ready for the day I grabbed everything I needed for work and headed out, I stopped and got coffee like always.


"Good morning JJ, are you still coming over tonight?" Garcia asked when I walked into the bullpen.

"Yes ma'am, Henry is away with my parents and Will is working late" she squeals and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so excited!! Tara and I have planned the perfect night!" I pulled away laughing and sat down to get started for the day.


After work I hurried home so I could change and grab an overnight bag for Garcia's, I cursed when I noticed Will's car in the driveway. I got out of the car and slowly made my way inside. There he was on the couch, drunk, once again.

"What are you doing home?" I asked him standing beside the couch.

"What does it look like?" I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs to our room. I was in the closet when he came in there stumbling. He tried to feel up on me but I pushed him away.

"Stop Will, I have somewhere to be" he pushed me against the wall, his hot breath in my face, I turned my head at the smell.

"Shut the fuck up Jennifer, you're mine! I can have you whenever I want!"

"Will let me go!!" Before I could do anything else he lifted his hand up and slapped me across the face.

"You aren't going anywhere, do you hear me?!" I nodded as tears ran down my face. He pulled away from me and I slide down the wall pulling my knees to my chest. I sodded into them until I fell asleep.


August 10th, 2016
London, England

The last four years have been difficult, the first few months I didn't leave my house, I sat in there with all the windows closed and wine bottles everywhere looking through old videos and photos of Jennifer and I. I hated how life was going.

I tried dating around, I tried the club life, I tried everything. Hooking up with gay men because I'm working with a package down below, trying to be more feminine but nothing worked because I just don't look good in a dress. After going to work for Interpol, I started to change my ways. When Derek came and saw me a year after I moved I started going to the gym, he told me to take on a more masculine approach. More suits, get an undercut, more tattoos, the whole nine butch yard.

I've been dating this one woman for about 5 months, we met at a popular bar, she's a pediatric doctor. And before you ask, yes she is blonde.

My thumb hovers over her name for the 1460th day, I want to call her so bad and tell her that I still love her. My life won't be complete without her. I waited for her.. I didn't leave that morning after the wedding, I stayed for a few more days hoping she would come back and confess her love for me and tell me that she would leave Will. I went by her house before going to the airport, I could see her in the window on the couch with Will.

I drove away with tears running down my face, I lost her for good. I can't believe that was 4 years ago.

"You okay baby?" I heard Jessica ask as she came up behind me, I quickly swiped off of Jennifer's name and locked my phone.

"Yeah just some case files I have to look through. You heading to work?" I turned around and pulled her between my legs, her hands resting on my shoulders.

"Yeah, I have to work a double tonight unfortunately, but maybe you can come have dinner with me after you get off?"

"Maybe I can" she smiled and leaned down pressing her lips against mine.

"I love you"

"Me too baby, have a good day at work" we kissed again and she pulled away leaving. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I couldn't bring myself to say it because I don't love her, I love Jennifer.


Okay, so I've decided to continue this story thanks to alanaschoonover4

She gave me the best ideas for this story.

Stay tuned babies ♥️

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