Chapter Twenty-Nine

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WARNING: Sick Henry. Possible spoilers for the show 👀


February 10th, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Prentiss-Jareau House

We just had our first night in the new house and Emily and I celebrated all last night, I'm surprised I can still walk actually. I got up and went into the bathroom to use the bathroom and slip my robe on before heading downstairs. The amazing smell of breakfast filled the air once I reached the bottom step.

"Good morning" I said as I walked into the kitchen. Emily was at the stove making pancakes along with bacon and eggs.

"Good morning beautiful" I smile at her as I make my way over to give her a kiss.

"What are you making?" I hug her from behind, we start to sway side to side.

"I'm a making a meal for the most amazing woman in this world aka my fiancé and the mother to my son" my heart warmed at hearing her say "my son" ever her since she adopted Henry they've been conjoined at the hip, you would think she was his real mom.

"You're amazing baby" I stand there with her talking before we make our way over to the kitchen table to eat. As we eat we talk about a few remodels we are getting done to the house.

"Emmy? Mommy?" We hear being called from the stairs.

"In the kitchen bubbers" we wait as he walks over to us. "What's wrong?" We notice that he has tears in his eyes and clutching the bear Emily had got him.

"I don't feel good" he says before he throws up, Emily jumps up and goes over to him. I jump up and grab some paper towels wetting them, I go over and wipe his face off.

"What's hurting bubs?" I pick him up while Emily cleans the floor.

"My tummy and head" he lays his head on my shoulder and his forehead is hot against my neck.

"He's burning up" I start taking his pajamas off to cool him down. "I can't go to work"

"Jennifer I can take care of him, you can't miss anymore work. If we need you I'll call you ASAP"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive"

"Okay only if you're sure" I hand him over to Emily and I go upstairs to shower and get ready for work.

When I walk out of the bathroom I see Henry and Emily laying in our bed, Henry is on top of her sleeping soundly. His snores louder than normal right now.

"I gave him medicine, he was still sleepy" I get dressed then go over to the bed giving them both kisses.

"Please call me if he gets any worse okay?"

"I got this Jennifer, go"

"I love you"

"We love you too, have a good day baby" I give them one last kiss before I grab my things heading out to work.


After Jennifer left for work I went to sleep right along with Henry. I woke up to whimpers in my ear about an hour later. I woke up and rubbed my hand up and down Henry's back.

"Hey bubbers you feeling any better?" He shook his head no. I got up and went into our bathroom to run a warm bath with eucalyptus drops. I changed into a bathing suit before going into the room to grab him. I slipped his swim trunks on and we climbed into the water. I used a sponge to rub him down.


"Yeah bubbers?"

"Are you gonna leave us again..?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you went to the doctors and mommy was crying for you, then that bad lady made you tell mommy stuff" my heart broke at his question.

"No bubbers I'm not leaving anymore. I'm here to stay as long as you want me to"

"So forever?"

"Yeah forever bubbers until I'm old and gray and you have to give me a sponge bath" he giggled before he started coughing.

"I can do that"

"Thanks bubbers, I knew you would." After the bath I dried him off and we went back into the room. I gave him some more cold medicine before going downstairs to make him chicken noodle soup. I grabbed a bottle water and went back upstairs to him. We laid in bed watching cartoons all day, Jennifer calling us on her lunch to check in.

Around 5pm things took a turn for the worse. Henry had a seizure and with him having a fever I immediately rushed him to the hospital after it ended. I was sitting in the waiting room when I heard the sound of heels running down the hallway.

"Emily!" I heard Jennifer yell as she got closer, I stood up and met her halfway.

"Is he okay? Where is he? Have you seen the doctor yet?" She said firing off questions left and right.

"Okay first off breathe" she took a deep breath then let it out, I guided her over to the chairs to sit down.

"He is okay, doctor said it was a febrile seizure, they gave him some liquid ibuprofen, should be good to go in an hour" she let out the breath she was holding.

"Oh thank god!" She covers her face crying, I pull her into my arms rocking back and forth "I can't lose him.."

"You're not going to lose him baby, the doctor said it's common in children younger than six and that it rarely leads to serious or long-term problems. It was mostly due to his fever."

"God I was so scared when you called me, I didn't know what to do"

"I know baby, I'll make an appointment with a neurologist to get him checked again, is that okay?"

"I mean whatever you think we should do, he's your son too Emily" we stay at the hospital for two more hours before Henry was released. The doctors said his fever had gone away completely and that he might sleep a lot the next few days, luckily it's the weekend so he can rest. I placed him in Jennifer's car before climbing into my own. I had to stop and get us dinner for the night.

Once I made it back home we all ate then went upstairs to relax for the night. We watched Cat in The Hat, Henry's choice before falling asleep. He was snuggled up to Jennifer as they slept. I stayed awake watching them most of the night. Seeing him on that floor made it difficult for me to close my eyes, all I see is him twitching and moaning uncomfortably.

I final fall asleep an hour later, my arm resting over Jennifer and Henry.


If you're a true Criminal Minds fan you would know what episode this is from.

Poor Henry 😔

Stay tuned for more babies 💖

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