Mara didnt go a day without thinking about him, especially the good times she had with Jimin. Life was full of unexpected twists and turns, tears and pain but she really thought they would make it out together. It never truly registered that he was gone. Mara expected to bump into him any day now, just like you would in a busy street downtown or in a restaurant. And he would be fine, not a single scratch on him and a bright welcoming smile on his face just like when he was...


Mara felt overcome with sadness, expression notably falling as her eyes shifted from each of them to the living room. She motioned to it lazily, "You're welcome to stay as long as you want," she muttered, "I won't be here for long anyways."

They smiled in return, but the gesture was not reciprocated.

Mara stood awkwardly at the foot of the stairs, "I don't have any food to offer either," Mara glanced at her thin wrists, "Sorry."

Usually someone excited to meet new people, Mara couldn't help but feel...empty. Maybe it was the lack of food in her system, or the water—could've been both for all she knew, and she didnt know. She was exhausted, burned out and feeling as if she'd been wrung dry of any former ambition for life. Her purpose was an enigma, more so now than ever. Mara was still standing with the hope that regardless of the deaths she came across that hurt more each time, the finish line lay with her parents. Or at least with some kind of closure—but it hurt to think the latter.

"Do you want some food?" Mara heard from beside her. The girl had been standing with a blank expression in the same spot, eyes in a dismal haze as Lilith offered an apple in her extended hand. Mara simply stared at the fruit, her stomach churning but not with hunger. The girl glanced back up at Lilith's smile, feeling the intensity of their eyes on her. Their bright smiles and stained clothes made her nervous.

In her eyes there was apprehension, which seemed to break Lilith from her smile, "Go ahead-"

"No thankyou," Mara curtly spoke, surprise evident in Lilith's face as Mara shook her head remained stiffly in place. There was a silence that followed in which Mara found more comfort in rather than the voices of the people before her. Lilith tried to uphold her smile but Mara noticed it twitch and falter, "Can I ask why you are leaving so soon?"

So soon?

Mara shrugged, "I ran into some problems...W-With food and some people and I would rather steer clear of here." The girl didn't give too many details, referring to the incident vaguely in an attempt to get Lilith to stop asking questions. This, however, did not help as the girl only curiously tilted her head, frowning as she asked yet another question.

"Oh? Bad people? Like who? We would like to avoid danger as well," she spoke, tone gentle.

"Just...bad people. I suggest you be careful out there. You don't know who is good or bad," Mara mumbled, voice monotone but stiffly so as she tried to repress the horrible memories.

"Oh," Lilith slowly nodded, eyes still on Mara.

"I've run into a lot of good people, thankfully," Lilith began, smile back to its friendly setting. Mara was beginning to frown with annoyance. She didn't quite know why she was so sensitive today, but everything was getting to be overwhelming.

"They helped me when I had nothing, and made me into who I am today," Lilith chuckled, looking over her shoulder at Josiah, who frowned at Mara only to soften his expression once Lilith turned to him.

"You are yet another kind person we've met," Lilith spoke, "So thank you for allowing us to stay in your home-"

"It's not really my home," Mara interjected, "Home is where you feel safe." The words came out more harshly  than intended as the smile slowly fell from Lilith's face. Josiah looked unperturbed as he retreated back to the lone chair paired to the kitchen island. Mara blinked at Lilith, feeling their eyes bore holes into her skin. She felt increasingly uncomfortable for a reason she could not define.

A Day In September - BTS Zombie auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin