Lament for Gandalf

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· She had cried for a long time and when the tears had ceased she felt better for the time being and so she got up, thanked Sívcelumë and then carried her stuff into her room, stripped off her clothes, putting them in a basket to be cleaned later and slipping on a plain white robe, and after she'd quickly brushed her hair she took her damaged vambrace and left the Talan.

· The smithy was her first destination. She could have fixed it herself, but she didn't really feel up to it and the blacksmiths would probably delight at the opportunity to do something – for though war was encroaching quickly on their borders, they had enough weapons and armor to last for many years – and so she left the damaged piece with them and then continued on to the baths.

· The naturally formed pools were always warm due to the power of Nenya and there were enough soaps and towels for everyone and Estateillio let the white garment slide to the ground and sunk into the clear water. She did quick work with washing herself, but was still very thorough, rinsing her hair multiple times to make sure that there was no dust or blood left in it, and when she got out she brushed the water off her with a little magic and then returned to the Talan.

· Fashion in Lothlórien was different to that of Rivendell, more light and mellow colors with simple cuts, compared to the more traditional Ñoldorin style with bright colors and complicated embroidery, and so her wardrobe was a weird amalgamation of styles to fit with the local culture, but still comply with her tastes. And so over her corset she donned a white silk dress with a layer of moiré and intricate embroidery in gold, red and copper at the waist and neckline and on top of her shoulders she fastened a wide strip of organza with two small brooches to act as a sort of pseudo-cape and because the gown was sleeveless she was able to wear a thin bracelet just above her elbows and two slightly looser ones on her wrists, as had been tradition with the Haladin.

· And she braided a simple half-circlet into her hair, though leaving most of it open, and she secured the braids with the golden clasp and slipped her rings on her fingers and she put her dagger into a more decorative sheath that she could attach to her hip with a thin white string that was barely visible above the white fabric. And then she took her flute and joined Sívcelumë on the small balcony of the Talan.

· The older elleth was dressed in similar colors, though her gown was more plain, befitting the rather simple tastes of her wife's culture. And they did not have to wait long, for soon the voice of a single elleth rose in song: "A Olórin i yáresse." And a small choir continued: "Mentaner i Númeherui." And throughout Lothlórien many voices chimed in and some instruments joined also, a simple melody following the guidelines that had been set with these first verses. And Estateillio lifted her flute to her lips and Sívcelumë closed her eyes as she opened her mouth and sang and the song echoed through the whole city and beyond and the text went thusly:

· A Olórin i yáresse
Mentaner i Númeherui
Tírien i Rómenóri
Maiaron i Oiosaila
Manan elye etevanne
Nórie i melanelye?

Mithrandir, Mithrandir, A Randir Vithren
ú-reniathach i amar galen
I reniad lín ne mór, nuithannen
In gwidh ristennin, i fae narchannen
I lach Anor ed ardhon gwannen
Caled veleg, ethuiannen.

· And when the song was over they started anew and then again and again and again until the sun rose again and after the third iteration Estateillio excused herself and went to find the fellowship.

· "The finest rockets ever seen:
they burst in stars of blue and green,
or after thunder golden showers
came falling like a rain of flowers",
Sam recited when she arrived at the small clearing that had been appointed to the group and then the hobbit sighed and sat down, "This doesn't do him justice."

· "I arya ruini cenerllë, Ascartert imelenl' laicar, Hya'pa fund' imross' laurë Lantuvart imul' almar", Estateillio sung and the verses were picked up by the other elves and integrated into the lament as had been so many other before and then she turned to the hobbit: "Laments are not about doing someone justice, but about mourning them, and that you wished to add your own piece only shows that you grieve as well."

· "I suppose", Sam mumbled and sighed and the elleth smiled sadly. The fellowship had been granted a nice place, quiet and secluded and with the soft pillows and warm blankets provided to them downright cozy. Still Boromir seemed uneasy, but Aragorn was already talking quietly to the son of Gondor, and so she left the two Edain alone and instead walked over to Gimli who was strangely quiet.

· "What troubles your heart?", she asked the dwarf. "'Tis nothing, I'm fine", he huffed, but his forcedly calm expression betrayed him. "What happened in Moria is a tragedy, your kin should at least have had the chance to be buried properly, to be put to rest with their forefathers, but instead they laid in darkness and their flesh rotted away. Such thing is not fair, but alas, the world is never just", she spoke and Gimli nodded: "Aye."

· "When the Ring is destroyed, Sauron defeated and the shadow fallen once and for all, true justice can finally return and perhaps you might be able to retake Khazad-dûm, now that the balrog is slain, and then you can put the fallen soldiers to rest properly and this wrong can be rightened", the elleth added, "And that is what we're fighting for." "That we are", the other agreed.

· "But for now you should rest, for we all need this break. It would do us no good when we arrive at our destination, only to collapse from exhaustion."


Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!

The translation of Sam's poem is a bit wonky, but I had to make it fit at least some sort of structure. Translating it back would give you something like: "The best blazes you have seen, they break asunder like green stars, or after thunder it will fall like golden rain, like flower rain." Wonky! Especially because I had a few problems with the format. A capital letter indicates a new verse beginning.


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