the Guards of Loríen

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• "The border is not far", Estateillio claimed when they got moving again, "The Galadhrim know that we are coming, a patrol will likely pick us up." And then she turned to the hobbits with a smile and told them: "If you are lucky they'll provide you with a more comfortable place to sleep than hard ground."

• This was enough motivation for the halflings, creatures of comfort as they were, to travel on without complaining about the exhaustion, for they had definitely been up longer than normal by now and were eager to finally rest on something other than dirt and stone and roots.

• And as they walked the trees slowly made way for young Mallorn trees and Gimli grew more and more uneasy and beckoned the hobbits to stay close to him, claiming: "Stay close young hobbits. They say there's a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell..."

• And it was then that Estateillio felt the presence of Galadriel brush against hers in welcome and then turn her attention towards Frodo, the hobbit growing nervous.

• And then the elleth felt the familiar power of Nenya as they reached the magical wards protecting Lothlórien and she halted and raised her hand to get the others to follow her example.

• She knew there were guards in the trees, brought here by Gimli's booming voice, and so she called out: "Mae govannen, tiryth o Loríen! Emenen nan Imladris a cestin peded na herynel Galadriel. (Well met, guards of Loríen! We have come from Imladris and seek to speak with your lady Galadriel.)"

• And three elves jumped out of the trees and their leader greeted them: "Mae govannen, Ránën in Noldor, Aragorn in Dúnedain, Legolas Thranduilion a gwadoraseg. Le abdollen. (Well met, Ránën of the Ñoldor, Aragorn of the Dúnedain, Legolas, son of Thranduil, and your companions. You are late.)"

• Estateillio quickly explained what had occurred since she had told Galadriel that they had to change their route and Gimli huffed when she was finished, fed up with the constant use of Sindarin: "So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves! Speak words we can also understand!"

• And Haldir, for that was the Marchwarden's name, narrowed his eyes and regarded the dwarf with mistrust: "We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days." "And do you know what this Dwarf says to that?", Gimli countered, "Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul! (I spit upon your grave!)"

• "That was not so courteous!", Aragorn admonished, while Estateillio quietly sighed. "You bring a great evil with you", Haldir said as his gaze wandered over the fellowship, "Had we not been told of your coming, we would not let you pass."

• And there it was, that reminder that they were at the mercy of these elves and Gimli grumbled quietly. "But the lady awaits you. Tonight you may rest in the safety of Lothlórien and tomorrow you shall meet her", the Marchwarden informed them, "Tolo! (Come!)"

• And he turned, walking into the depths of the forest and Estateillio stepped over the invisible barrier and sighed in relief and some of the tension she had harboured during the journey fell away and thus the fellowship followed the three elves to a Talan somewhat away from the border and though climbing the rope ladder leading into it proved to be difficult for some of them, they managed.

• They were provided with blankets and pillows that had probably been brought here specifically for the fellowship, for elves did not need to sleep unless they either choose to do so or overexerted themselves or were grievously injured.

• Now that they were safe and could rest the grief hit them hard and while Estateillio spoke with Haldir and the two other elves, who were his brothers, about the potential threat of thousands of goblins within Moria, Boromir tried to comfort Frodo: "Gandalf's death was not in vain, nor would he have you give up hope. You carry a heavy burden, Frodo. Don't carry the weight of the dead."

• "Gandalf was always a friend to me. I miss him terribly", the hobbit admitted and to his surprise it was not the man of Gondor that answered, but Estateillio: "And that only shows how much you cared about him. Take heart, Frodo, now it might hurt, but that wound will heal with time and eventually you can look past the grief and remember him with fondness rather than sorrow."

• And Estateillio crouched beside him and put a hand on his small shoulder and smiled and then she added: "If that might ease your heart, know that he has returned home now, that he walks with his kin upon green grass in the lands of the Valar, where there is only peace."

• "Thank you", the hobbit mumbled to both of them and she patted his shoulder and then stood up again: "Sleep now, you will need your strength tomorrow." And then she turned and walked over to Haldir, but she had taken not three steps when she halted and her brow furrowed and the Marchwarden quietly stated: "There is something in that tree."

• And Frodo's gaze followed where the elf pointed and saw two eyes in the darkness glowing like embers and he recognised them. "It's Gollum", he explained and rose, all thoughts about sleep vanished, "I saw him in Moria, he must have followed us."

• "He's a pitiful creature, his mind consumed by the Ring. But he was able to traverse the wards, so no threat he is", Estateillio contemplated and then Gollum realised that he had been spotted and disappeared into the darkness again and the elleth sighed: "He is beyond saving. Do with him what you will if you find him, I care not."

• And gently she guided Frodo to his assigned blanket and pillow and the hobbit looked back, peering into the darkness to get a glimpse of the creature, but couldn't find him.

• "What did you mean, when you said that he is beyond saving?", the hobbit then quietly asked and Estateillio understood what he was aiming at: "Gollum has held the Ring for centuries, over the course of those long years it has poisoned his heart and filled him with hatred and anger. Fear not, this will not be your fate, for you are not alone, you have your friends there to brighten the days and you have not held the Ring for a long time."

• "They are truly great friends, I don't know what I would have done without them, especially Sam", Frodo said, looking fondly at the sleeping hobbits. "His loyalty to you is extraordinary. Keep him close, Frodo, and you shall never be alone", she advised him with a smile, "And now go to sleep, I will not carry you tomorrow if you collapse from tiredness."

Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!
I'm glad Estateillio doesn't really like Sindarin, because I have like zero proper information on grammar and stuff, while for Quenya I have just decided to include the correct noun cases, because it's so much fun to work with with the information I have. Does anyone know where I can find a comprehensible list of Sindarin grammar (verbs and tenses and plural is enough)?

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