A knife in the Dark

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• As Hunter had told them they left early in the morning. Strider had, somewhere, found a pony that now carried most of the hobbits' supplies and just outside the gate the elf joined them, for she had been scouting the perimeter for any imminent threats and this time there was no rain and thus Frodo recognised her horse.

• And just as he wanted to say something, the air around her started to shimmer and her skin seemed to melt and she grew and her eyes turned a milky white and scars appeared on her golden skin and the hobbit remembered her name from when she had visited his uncle many years ago when he had been young.

• "The way is free for at least two miles, farther I did not go. I shall be around and if needed I will draw the Nazgûl away. Keep off the roads, be quiet and quick", Estateillio told the group and then rode off again.

• And they walked for two hours, before the hobbits stopped and wanted to make a break and Strider told them: "Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall."

• "What about breakfast?", Pippin asked and the ranger frowned and replied: "You've already had it." "We've had one yes. What about second breakfast?", the hobbit retorted and the man sighed and walked on.

• "Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pippin", Merry assumed and the hobbit questioned: "What about elvenses? Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner? Supper! He knows about them, doesnt he?" "I wouldn't count on it", Merry sighed.

• Two apples came flying through the air, one was caught and the other hit Pippin straight in the face and then they continued their journey.

• They quickly found out that even in the nights Estateillio would not join them. Sometimes she showed up for a few minutes, talked to Strider in some elvish tongue that was definitely not Sindarin and then left again.

• Only when they reached the Midgewater Marches did she join them again, without her horse though, and spoke little as she helped them through the treacherous terrain that the hobbits had great difficulties traversing. Merry complained greatly about the midges and in the evening Strider sang quietly to himself and Estateillio, still like a statue, stood watch.

• On the sixth night they climbed atop Amon Sûl and the ranger declared that they would rest there for the night, for they could see far there and spot the enemy easily and so he could go scouting himself and leave the hobbits in relative safety and he also gave them blades. Somewhere in the surrounding forests, Estateillio was already moving about, for she had left them again when the marches laid behind them.

• And so Frodo went to sleep and only awoke again when the voices of three bickering hobbits became loud enough to disturb him. And to his horror, he saw that they had kindled a small fire to cook tomatoes and bacon and sausages and he leapt to his feet and asked: "What are you doing?"

• And Merry replied merrily: "Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon." "Saved some for you, Mr. Frodo", Sam added and filled a plate. "Put it out, you fools! Put it out!", Frodo cried and stamped on the fire and the ash got on the food which Pippin immediately complained about.

• Screeches echoed through the air and drove fear into the hearts of the hobbits and down below they could make out four dark figures coming out of the shadows and Frodo drew his sword and ordered his friends up the hill into the ruins.

• And from there they could not escape, for a fifth Nazgûl showed up and the five Ringwraiths circled them and Frodo stepped backwards and stumbled and in his fear slipped the Ring onto his finger and disappeared.

• But that did not help him, for the Nazgûl could still see him, and one of them extended his hand to take the Ring and when the hobbit withdrew his hand it shrieked and stabbed him in the shoulder, again reaching for the Ring.

• And then a blinding white light flooded the scene and the Nazgûl was pushed away and Frodo, in his pain, looked up and saw an armoured figure with a circlet and upon her breastplate there glowed an eight-rayed star and next to her, though more dim, stood a princess with a flowing red dress and on her other side a hunter with a hard expression on her face and in the shadows, so it seemed, there was a fourth person, clad in rags and with a crazed look in her eyes.

• And the glowing figure jumped the Nazgûl with fire in her hand and the light became so bright that Frodo had to close his eyes and he pulled the Ring off his finger and the light disappeared mostly and when he dared to look again he saw that Estateillio and Strider had come to their aid and in her hand there was a burning dagger and together they drove away the Nazgûl.

• Then they knelt at his side and the hobbits gathered around their injured friend, who was writhing in pain, and the man asked: "Can you help him?"

• "Partially. I can weaken the effects of the poison and his wound I can keep from bleeding, but to fully heal it we need a proper healer and a lot of Athelas. There's a shard of the blade in his shoulder and I cannot remove it here", she answered and then held her hands over his wound and quietly started singing and the air vibrated with power.

• And then she stopped and for a moment silence fell over the group and Frodo calmed, for though it still hurt, the pain had lessened.

• "Come, we need to hurry. I know a place nearby where there is some Athelas, but it is still six days till Rivendell, five if I go alone and carry him, but that is still a lot of time and much can happen", she urged and stood and lifted the hobbit and they gathered their supplies and left Amon Sûl and moved quietly on paths only she could see through the night.

Merry Christmas!
The bonus chapter will come later today.
Hope you enjoyed!

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