They all pointed fingers at the negligence and disgusting nature of the police for not being able to help you earlier. Your mother's name was all across the media, yet somehow, no one even dared utter your name. 

You remembered about Japan's policy to protect the privacy of minors, hence why they talked more about your mother's arrest. The reporters did shed light on the disgusting fact that a police member as high as a superintendent was involved, and it all made the police look like a bunch of privileged assholes.

You flipped through the channels, watching the news being broadcasted in bold letters as every channel had at least one reporter for the news. It was a good thing that they managed to censor your name because by now, you were sure that the media would have reached the hospital to interview you.

It clearly stated that her trial was to happen in a few days, and a grin made way to your lips. Just when you were watching the news, one of the nurses came in with a tray holding your breakfast, "What you've done, is very brave!! It must have been a true nightmare, huh? Living with that thing and suffering for 12 years?" The woman spoke as you kept quiet, opting to stare at her placing the tray down.

"You should eat up, young mist-I mean, young lady!!" A grin thrown your way by her and you nodded before politely thanking her. She bowed once before taking her leave, letting you eat in peace. 

One hand holding onto your chopsticks, your other one held onto the remote of the TV. Your eyes never left the screen, a smile quipping at your lips everytime someone referred to you as the 'daughter'.

Once you were done with your breakfast, you checked your phone to find over a hundred messages from everyone. Smiley was in shock at how you were a girl and spammed your phone, Mucho politely inquired if the news of you being a girl was correct, along with a message from Takashi saying that your gender reveal ended up breaking Hakkai.

Chifuyu had spammed your phone like Smiley, but instead of messages, he kept on calling you like a lunatic. Other than that, you also recieves messages of congratulations from all your friends, even Takemichi. Emma sent you a single message, asking if it was true, to which you shyly admitted the truth.

Benkei and Wakasa... Boy, oh boy!! They were ecstatic, spamming your phone with calls and messages. Benkei wrote you a whole ass paragraph over how proud he was of you, and Wakasa promised to take you shopping.

The one message that made your heart jump out from your chest, was a message from Rindoū. He wrote a simple text, but it almost made you scream from sheer joy.

Haitani Rindoū


We're coming over, and

we're bringing big bro 

and uncle with us 


[Father Name] had no idea where his son was dragging him first thing in the morning, all he knew that they were visiting someone. [Brother Name] even skipped his classes just to visit someone, so obviously the older male thought it must be someone very important.

And so, the father and son duo got on the train as [Father Name] turned to his son, watching as his face contoured into that of excitement and eagerness, "So...." The older male started, making the younger one turn to him.

"Mind telling me who we're visiting? Whoever it is, they must be very important to you..." The man finiahed and watched his son smile softly, a smile that reminded him too much of his sweet, little angel.

"Yeah... I'm sure you'll love to meet them, dad..." And qith that, they both sat in comfortable silence, gazing out the window to watch the scenery.

At the train station, Ran and Rindoū awaited the two of them with an eager smile present on both of their faces. Just as the father and son got off the train, the two brothers immediately rushed over and greeted them.

"Good morninv, uncle!!" Ran sang as Rindoū opted to smile at the older male, "Ah, Ran-kun!! Rindoū-kun!! Good morning, kids!!" The two boys grinned at his acknowledgment before turning to [Brother Name] and nodding discreetly.

"Alright!! let's go, uncle!!" Rindoū pulled the said man along and let the two older boys to converse. Normally, he would have joined in but right now, he was way too excited to see you that he could barely even walk.

The two brothers had even brought their never-used bikes and let the two males mount on top of them before speeding off in the direction of the hospital.

The minute the hospital came in view, [Father Name]'s eyes widened, "[Brother Name]?!" The said boy, who was busy getting off of Ran's bike, hummed in response.

"Is that person okay? Why are we at a hospital?!" The [Eye Colour] coloured male asked as his son smiled at the panicking man, "Don't worry, Dad!! They just... got in some trouble..." Truthfully speaking, when he had first watched the news, his father was still asleep.

The young adult almost had a heart attack when he heard just what kind of stunt you had just pulled. He recalled your promise to him back when you were still a kid. 

"I've got a plan... a bit risky, but a plan nonetheless..."

Looks like you finally fulfilled your promise.

All four of them entered the hospital as [Brother Name] and [Father Name] were instructed to stand at the side while the two brothers got information about your room number. Although a little hard to get thanks to the entire ordeal, they managed to get your room number and happily skipped over there.

The nurse was just coming out of your room as her eyes fell upon the four men and her eyes widened, "How is she, nurse?" The nurse smiled at [Brother Name] and nodded, "Quite better, her recovery is going about quite well!! She's a strong person!!" The young adult thanked her before turning to his father, "I'll let you meet them... I'm sure you'll love them!!" The father only smiled back as he followed after his son who just opened the door.

Once in there, they spotted a figure sitting while facing the window. Their [Hairlength][Hair Colour] fluttered with the wind and [Father Name] couldn't see the person's face as they gazed out.

Slowly, the person turned their way as they heard the door click open, eyes wide in surprise as they watched in shock. At the other side, [Father Name] stood completely still, even his breathing had hitched.

'No... Is that-?' The man thought as he gazed upon your face, his lips parted as he kept on gaping like a fish at your form. His closed his mouth, before his lips parted again and he licked them them to wet the dry skin.

No, no, no, no... This was a dream!! This had to be!!

He didn't believe it!! This must be one of his many hallucinations where he'd imagine that his precious, little angel would be standing right in front of him, but then you'd vanish.

That's right!! You'll vanish in a few seconds so there's no need for him to even bother looking at you!! But... if that's the case, then... why can't he take his eyes off of you?

At that moment, you kept your eyes trained on him as you jumped off the bed and landed carefully on your feet. You didn't even glance at anyone else in the room, but kept staring at your father.

The father you longed to see and remember...

Now that you looked at him, he sure was handsome for someone as old as him. His lifeless [Eye Colour] eyes shone for the first time in a long while, and tears slowly began to pool in them. 

One by one, each drop cascaded down his cheeks and dripped onto the floor, "[Name]?" He croaked. Why weren't you fading away?! Why weren't you crumbling right in front of him?! 

A grin slowly made way to your lips as your eyes shone with unshed tears.

"Hey, dad..."

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