"Crystal stop yelling, What Ember has just done was very clever, I would have hesitated, and the gemstone would have tried to resist, Ember doing so quickly probably save me," I said patting her on the back. 

Crystal crossed her arms, "fine," She mumbled. I examined the sword, the red crystal that used to be on the hilt of the sword was gone replaced with the purple gemstone, I picked the red one up from the floor just in case. 

Ember stood up, "Now that's done, can we get a move on?" He asked. 

We all turned to Crystal as I retrieved my sword, "Sometimes I think you only missed me because I could transport you anywhere," Crystal said. a blue portal opening. 

"Oh come on sis...Crystal, we've missed your shy yet happy personality" Razer said before quickly jumping through the portal. Meeps followed, possibly to ask the same question on my mind, was he about to call Crystal sister. Ember followed through.

Ciara stopped and looked at me and Crystal, "You two have your moment, you realise your my favourite ship right?" She smiled as I blushed, but Crystal was still staring into the portal. 

"he was about to..."

"I know," 

"Want to talk about it?" 

"Not right now,"

"You should talk to Meeps, she's good at this. the only reason I made it without you,"

"She's a kid, how good could she be?" 

"You'd be shocked," 

I moved to Crystal and kissed her on the forehead, "I get, you struggle with family, and the idea that people might love you, but maybe Razer could be that chance for you," I said to her, she opened the palm of her hand, I took it. "you know I'm always here," 

Crystal nodded as we walked through the portal, And we immediately got pushed back into the wall by Razer, as a patrol of Neverwheres walked pasted. "Are you two holding hands?" Ember asked. 

Crystal shoot him a clod look, "and what if we are?" she asked in a dead tone, "I'm not your friend Sheila, I admit to liking someone," Crystal said. as if to prove her point she then kissed me on the cheek. 

"Chystal," Ember said, smiling. 

"I don't know if I want to punch you or send you to the nether," Crystal said, "Although I would feel really, really bad for doing that," 

"You guys are going to want to see this," Ciara said. "Meeps and Razer are trying to find a way into the dreadfort, but you should see what's been going on," 

we followed Ciara up and found what had clearly been a fight, 100s of zombies lay dead, the never-weres, wither skeletons and pigmen stood over them, controlled frostbourne soldiers mixed in. "Huh, what happened do you think?" Ember asked.

"Herobrine turned on the controller, and so the zombies did the same following Herobrine, so the zombies were massacred, of course, that's only an idea, and I am very rarely wrong, after all," I answered. 

"We've got a way in, a unguard side door," Razer said, "You've seen the fighting? same as far as we can," Razer said. 

"Lead on MacDuff," I said pointing. 

"MacDuff?" Crystal asked. 

"It's Shakespeare," I answered. 

"You just said it was MacDuff," Ciara said. 

"No, the quote was 'lead on MacDuff...you know what don't worry," I said, "Let's just get a move on," I mumbled.

Crystal and Razer lead the way, Ciara and Ember talked, and I stood with Meeps, "Do me a favour, Meeps, a big one, Talk with Crystal, I think she needs it," I answered, 

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