The rush of waves can't compete with the two's laughter. It echoes across the beach, mixing with the sounds of jazz from the restaurant and the rest of the peaceful atmosphere. No one seems to notice. The waiters keep taking people's orders, the customers keep eating. It's as if the whole world is theirs.

Time is frozen, every second feeling like a minute.

George is the first to start speaking again, small hints of laughter still evident. "Dream," he giggles. "Yes, I'll marry you."

It all feels so euphoric. As if one day they'll both look back at this day and laugh once more. Laugh at how young and in love they were. So in love that Dream had proposed to him on call, crazy enough that George said yes.

"I promise to make you the happiest person in the universe," the blonde says in a confident tone. "I promise with all of my heart."

"You do?"

Dream just laughs back. He has no idea how a wedding proposal is supposed to go. It's everything Dream hadn't expected to happen tonight. Hadn't expected that he would be on a beach below the restaurant, in a dress shirt and black pants that were practically covered with sand already, proposing to George. Promising that one day he'll make these dreams into full-on realities. Promising that Dream can one day provide everything George could ever wish for.

With a large smile, Dream responds.

"I do."


The two are practically inseparable by the time Dream gets back home.

More lies to his parents are made, more late nights with George, more hugs are given to Ranboo for being "such a good friend."

Dream doesn't regret anything. He could give up his whole world and he'll still be thankful that he had George to hold onto. The brunette brings him such a comfort that he can never put his finger on.

He's currently in the hospital room, sitting on the desk chair while Mrs. Davidson chats to George about how he's been and if anything new happened. Molly's sitting on a foldable red chair in front of Dream, engaged in an intense tic-tac-toe game with him.

They're playing on those styrofoam play sets flight attendants to give out to children. Molly places an orange styrofoam circle in the last spot, cheering as she realized that she had won.

"Good job!" Dream applauded, a large smile on his face.

The girl just smiles back, face beaming with pure innocence and pride. She crosses her arms, then furrowing her eyebrows. "You let me win, again," she says as she rolls her eyes.

The blonde holds up his hand in defeat, "You got me."

"You're no fun," Molly says as she sticks out her tongue at him.

Molly's the same as George, the resemblance is strong. The same stubbornness, the same victory cheer, even the way they roll their eyes are the same.

George's mother and sister have been visiting more often now, coming about two times a week. Dream's grateful of it, he sees how George's face lights up when they call to tell him they're going to come soon.

"Fine, I'll try this time," Dream says with a playful shake of his head. He removes the little styrofoam markers out of the spaces, setting them on the table. Dream lets Molly go first, stealing one look at George as he does so. The brunette is staring right back at him, a genuine smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

George is sitting on the corner of his bed, facing his mother, who was talking to him about some topic Dream couldn't hear from his side of the room. He nods occasionally, but he's too busy staring at Dream to really follow up on the conversation.

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