Chapter 25 Ready. Aim.

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The throne room was vast and circular. The big windows were lining the walls, but they did nothing to disperse a gloom from the inside as if the chamber had its own laws ruling it. The shadows filled the empty spaces and swirled as if they were alive.

In the middle of it was a dais with a throne, but it was not something one could see in any castle, and Skylar had to clasp a hand over her mouth to stifle a surprised gasp. A person sat there, but he looked nothing like the projection of the Emperor that greeted them in the ballroom. He looked vaguely like a human, but the one that should have died a long time ago. His face was gaunt with bones poking out and covered by tight, dry and parchment-like skin. The dark inked lines covering it must have been beautiful once, with intricate and precise patterns, but now one could barely distinguish what pale lines once been. But the most bizarre sight was a multitude of pipes connected to the throne and bound the creature sitting on it.

A grey robe was probably of a bright colour once, but the time and grime turned it into a filthy rag. The body under it was skeletal, with well-pronounced bones showing through the cloth. Many tubes led directly into the body – two to the chest and one to the back of the head.

Skylar realised what Alarat meant when he said the Emperor was never leaving the throne room. He was bound by the many tubes keeping him alive, and he could not get off his seat. The cost of prolonging life seemed to be outrageous.

Emperor's eyes were closed, and his head hung with his chin tucked into his chest as if he were asleep. Gawyn drew his sword and tiptoed toward the dais, with Skylar right behind him with her blade ready to strike.

But they didn't cross half of the distance when the Emperor's head shot up, and the lids flew open, revealing glowing yellow eyes.

"Oh, annoying little mice are finally here," he said. His voice was rasped and harsh as if every word left his throat more painful. And yet it was echoing through the chamber, like some magic amplified it.

"Your time has come, fiend," spat Skylar. "You've destroyed enough of this world. Time to let it go and get to the meeting with death. It waited for you long enough."

A coughing sound erupted from the creature, and after a moment, they realised the Emperor was cackling. His whole body shook from laughter.

"Aren't you an entertaining little thing? You think you can kill me?" He cackled again. "I am eternal! I'm Emperor Aleus the Conqueror, the master of countless lands and the ruler of this world. Getting all the kingdoms under my rule is just a matter of time. And you, puny humans, think you can just walk in here and threaten me?"

"You are ruling the wasteland," Gawyn growled. "You brought nothing but ruin to this world. You are an abomination that should not exist. You are dying and trying to drag the whole world with you. We won't let you do that." He raised his sword, pointing at the throne. "Your reign of terror has come to an end."

And then Skylar ran. She raised her sword and reached the dais in a few quick lunges, swiping her sword in w wide arc, aiming at the creature's head.

But the sword encountered an invisible wall, and she was thrown back with the same strength, landing heavily on her back a few meters away. Gawyn rushed at the Emperor, trying to cut the pipes out, but the shield protected the whole construction. He bounced away just like his wife.

"So impatient," mused the Emperor. "And so foolish. Do you think you can stab me to death with your fragile swords? I've been walking this earth long before your ancestors were even born."

"You're not exactly in a walking shape now, are you?" Skylar mocked, getting up and wiping the blood from her nose.

"Insolent fools!" the creature shrieked and raised a shaking, bony hand.

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