Chapter 11 The Shape Shifters

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The following days were tedious and exhausting. Blighted Lands seemed to be nothing more than a never-ending wasteland. They had to fight often, and the monsters often coming for them were weird and unnatural. The unit was small, but the soldiers were seasoned warriors, and they mainly stayed unharmed thanks to Skylar's expertise with protective runes repelling dark magic and its creatures.

Days passed without any progress in finding the cure or even spotting any sorcerers while their food supplies started to dwindle dangerously. The food was not a problem – the soldiers were used to living off not very sophisticated travel rations. The problem was freshwater.

They did encounter some small streams or reservoirs of standing water, but it had a distinct stench of rot and sulphur each time, and none of them wanted to risk poisoning themselves. The soldiers and their mounts started to be nervous. Skylar could hear the concerned whispers and the question that no one wanted to ask out loud: was there even a point in them stubbornly crossing this wasteland.

"We need to ration the remaining water strictly," Gawyn said to the soldiers when they were done setting up camp for the night. "If we do it wisely, we can easily last at least another three days."

"And then what, sir?" asked one of the soldiers defiantly. "We've already stumbled through this cursed place for three days now. Our supplies won't last for our return trip if we keep going forward."

"Barret!" Major Shah growled, a reprimand clear in his tone.

"That's all right." Gawyn waved his hand dismissively. "It is a valid point, soldier. But we also must consider that there are people still living here - the sorcerers. And that means they must have some source of water and food that is not poisonous. We are already deep into Blighted Lands' territory and not far off the historical capital of this kingdom. If there is one place where the last remaining scraps of civilisation are, it will be there. Once we reach it, we can replenish our supplies and, hopefully, also find what we are looking for."

The soldiers nodded and murmured their approval. Barret only clenched his teeth but did not question again. He was young, probably the most youthful in the whole company, and he didn't want to be on this mission, Gawyn concluded. The General did not question how Todric chose the soldiers for their escort. But the boy had a keen eye with a bow, and his arrows saved them already many times, so he was grateful for his presence, nonetheless.

"Get some rest now. We need to start early if we want to reach the centre of this wasteland soon."

The soldiers saluted and got back either to their tents or to keep watch. Skylar stepped to his side and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Is that true?" she asked quietly, so only he could hear her. "Do you think we are going to find something soon?"

"We have to." He sighed. "Otherwise, our chances look bleak. But all I said is true. I studied maps of the old Irdelum before we left. It's not far from where we are now. However, if we don't find anything there, I'm not sure where to go next."

Skylar wrapped her arm around his waist and hugged him. "I'm sure something will be there. I can feel it."

Gawyn pressed her close to him and kissed the top of her head. They stayed huddled together, staring at the dark and vast plain.

Suddenly, the air around them turned cold and crisp, their breaths leaving their mouth in a cloud of steam. The soldiers stirred nervously. Skylar cursed and ran to the edge of their camp.

"Shadow Shifters!" she yelled. "They are coming! Quick, help me check all the wards to make sure they can't get through!"

Their small camp exploded with movement when the soldiers dashed around and double-checked the symbols they scribbled all around the place earlier. An ominous feeling raised deep in Gawyn's guts, rising all the hair on his body. Something foul was coming indeed, and they all could feel it.

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