Chapter 20 Ability To Rule

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Aliyah was sitting in front of the mirror and looking at her reflection. Her long hair was dyed dark violet and braided in a complex plate, decorated by silvery pins glittering like stars in the candlelight. Her dress perfectly fitted her tall frame, made from the finest silk and chiffon in black and violet, matching her hair. Her ears held heavy silver earrings with amethysts, and the delicate crown complimented their style.

Aliyah was never fond of gold – it seems too pretentious and tacky for her. She only wore a clunky gold crown on most official occasions. After all, she was a queen now and could use some of this power to at least make herself more comfortable if she was to endure the endless bickering of nobles and never-ending pleas of petitioners.

Aliyah leaned closer and massaged the spot between her brows. She was frowning far too much lately - a permanent wrinkle started to form there already. She moved her brows, trying to get rid of it, but the annoying line was persistent.

The knock at the door interrupted her. She sighed and straightened, trying hard not to scowl.

"Come in."

Teodric stepped into the room and bowed his head. "Your Majesty."

Aliyah turned to face him. He was a handsome, intelligent young man and soon made a great king. She was glad they kept a close friendship during her time as ambassador in Torringland. It had come in handy many times already. She hoped to rely on this bond in the difficult times they were facing now.

"Teodric? I thought you've already departed?"

"I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to the most important person in the kingdom, would I?" he said with a sweet smile and kissed the back of her hand, his mouth lingering just a few seconds too long.

"Of course. Have a safe journey, my prince." She smiled politely.

The young man didn't move. He cleared his throat and looked at her hopefully. "Have you maybe... considered my proposal, Your Highness?"

Aliyah sighed. "Oh, Teodric, do you have to be so stubborn?" She crossed her arms and walked towards the window, turning her back to him.

"Tell me what would it take. I'll do anything. This union would benefit both of our kingdoms, and you know it. The relations between our nations were never this great. You saw how much we both developed those past few years. Marriage between the monarchs would take the union even a step farther."

"I know." Aliyah turned back to him. "I've been thinking about it a lot, believe me."

"Then why do you keep refusing?" he asked quietly.

"Because I do not love you." He wanted to protest, but she raised her hand. "And I never will."

"You can't know that," Teodric said with an evident hurt that was heard in his voice. "What am I lacking then? Say the word, and I'll change it. Whatever you need, whatever you deem important, say the word."

Aliyah came up to him and stroked his cheek gently. "You are the sweetest man, Teodric. There is just one small thing that I can't overlook."

"What is that?" He covered her hand in his and squeezed gently.

She smiled sadly. "You're not a woman."

"What? I don't─" he frowned, confused, and then it dawned on him. "Oh..."

"Oh indeed," she said and took two steps back, crossing her arms. She didn't feel any better when she finally said it out loud. It didn't change anything, but Teodric was a dear friend, and she wanted to be honest with him.

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