Chapter 21 Get Back Up

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When the red light flashed from the inside of the palace, Zephyr instinctively braced for a gust of warm air, but this time it was completely different. An invisible force grabbed him and held him in a painful grip. He shrieked in a mixture of pain and surprise, but before he tensed all his muscles to try to break free, the whole world around him twisted and turned.

His insides clenched painfully, and he felt as if he was falling and raising, making his head spin and nausea grow in his gut. But before he could shriek again, the force holding disappeared, and he crushed onto the dusty ground.

The gryphon jumped to his paws, ready to strike down whoever dared to throw the filthy magic at him.

But there was nobody around.

Zephyr perked up and looked around. He was no longer in the Capital. The truth was, he had no idea where he was right now. All he could see were barren, dusty plains with no characteristic landmarks.

The gryphon lashed his tail nervously and whined. Gawyn and Skylar were nowhere to be found. He focused on his bond and sensed a flicker of Gawyn's presence, but it was far away. His bonded human was restless and as anxious as Zephyr was, but luckily, he didn't sense any impending danger just yet.

Zephyr shrieked in defiance, spread his wings and jumped into the air, heading in the direction where he could sense Gawyn's presence. Filthy magical humans could try to separate them, but there was no way they could stop him.

As he would always find his way back to his family.


As Skylar and Gawyn sat together in the middle of the hallway, the world around them was melting. The vision blurred and waved, changing from the lavish palace to cold and dark ruins stinking of rot and mould.

When Skylar could finally breathe, she wiped her face with a dirty sleeve and pulled away from Gawyn's arms to look around them. The plush red carpet disappeared, leaving a cold grey stone. The doors were rotten wrecks or disappeared altogether, and the only source of light was an otherworldly yellow glow coming out of the side chambers. Skylar felt a chill running down her spine.

"The illusion has finally dropped."

"Yes. Are you all right?" Gawyn asked, watching her intently.

"No, are you?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Do you know where Zephyr is?" Sky asked, concerned. "Was he not with you?"

"No. He's fine, but he's... away now. The sorcerers must have found a way to move him into some distant place. But all that gave them was a bit more time. He's pissed and on his way back already. But it might take him a while to get here, so we better keep moving."

"I'm so glad you said it, as I didn't want to rush you two," the voice said from behind them.

Skylar jumped, startled and raised her dagger, ready to strike the unknown attacker.

"Woah, easy there! I'm with you guys!" Alarat raised his hands placatingly.

Skylar's jaw dropped open. "Is this another illusion? I thought we broke them all already."

"Oh no, he's quite real. For a ghost." Gawyn got up and offered Skylar his hand. "He's been following me for a while now."

"How do you know it's not another Sorcerers' trick?" Skylar asked glaring at Alarat.

"He had plenty of opportunities to act against me, yet so far, all he did was help. At this point, I'm fairly certain it is Alarat's spirit."

"But what is he doing here?"

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