(C15) Truths Revealed

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Marshall and Everest spent their afternoon and evening together in Adventure Bay, laying down peacefully next to each other. As the evening slowly faded away, the sun sank deeper below the horizon and the stars twinkled brightly in the sky, shining brightly against the darkness of the night sky.

They laid upon the grassy hill in front of the lookout and watched the stars twinkle above them as they rested beneath the moonlight and starlight. "Thank you, Everest. For making my life complete; for being there for me always alongside the rest of the Paw Patrol. I love you so much. I always will, I promise...." Marshall whispered as he pressed his snout against Everest's neck before she turned around and kissed his cheek softly.

"You're welcome, my little marshmallow. That's what I'm here for. You're so adorable, you know that?" Everest replied softly before leaning forward and giving the Dalmatian a kiss on his snout. She gave him the biggest smile before looking out to sea again and letting out a quiet sigh; allowing herself the chance to relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility she felt during the day. They stayed like this for a while, enjoying the cool night breeze and the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore before Marshall spoke up once more.

"I think I finally understand why Blaze and Smoke acted the way that they did after I failed that police dog training course all those years ago, Everest." He said quietly and calmly as he gazed upward, turning toward Everest, watching as the waves broke against the beach and the moon shone brightly overhead; casting light upon the water that reflected off the surface of the waves; giving off a calming glow, which only added to the serene atmosphere.

"They weren't trying to hold me back from being what I wanted to be, at all. I can't believe I ever assumed that of my own parents... I was foolish, overconfident in my lack of abilities even. I'm not special, I never was. And they only ever wanted the best for me, even if their execution on how they did things wasn't the best at all, they truly do care about me, Cookie and Kai. They've proven that time and time again. And yet, I ran away from my hometown like a selfish asshole after the argument that started all of this! I'm an awful pup, Everest." Marshall rambled, letting out a defeated sigh, as he stared back up at the stars and let the moon reflect on his tear filled blue eyes.

"Well, you aren't a bad pup. I know that for sure." Everest said softly, her ears perking up as she saw a faint smile spread across Marshall's face at her response. She then proceeded to wrap her paws around him and lay on her side, staring over at the Dalmatian next to her with soft loving eyes and a caring expression on her face as she gave his cheek a small lick, Marshall's tail wagging gently behind Everest as she licked his cheek softly; before nuzzling her nose against his neck in an attempt to help calm him down so he could process all of the thoughts tearing through his head.

It didn't take long before Everest's soothing gesture and her reassuring words calmed Marshall down completely, especially compared to the panicked stare he was in not too long ago; allowing the pair to lie in the grass together in blissful silence, gazing upwards into the stars; both of the pups hoping to themselves that this moment would always last, even if that wasn't completely realistic; it was what they truly wanted.

"I'm going to speak to Blaze and Smoke tomorrow. " Marshall muttered quietly, causing Everest to pause as she continued to rub him lightly; feeling the fur under her paws as it grew warm.

"Why are you going to talk to them, Marshall? I hope they aren't, but what if they're still mad and are just going to argue with you again?" Everest asked quietly in response, her ears dropping as they twitched with worry, remembering the last argument that happened, the one that had led Marshall to run away to the Paw Patrol training course in the forest before the rest of the team caught up to him, and Everest certainly didn't want a repeat of something like that.

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