(C8) Explosive Argument

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As Marshall fired up his fire truck and began driving, he could hear the elevator moving down inside of the lookout and Ryder's ATV fire up.

He tried to think about the happy memories he had with his biological family, like essentially every single moment he shared with Cookie and Kai, but his mind kept forcing the Dalmatian to think about all of the bad memories, especially with how Blaze had just screamed at him in the forefront of his mind.

He remembered his failure to become a police officer all those years ago in Azura. When he failed that training course, it sparked a similar situation to what had happened back at the lookout just now.

As Marshall's mind brought the Dalmatian back to the past once more, he made sure to keep his eyes on the road as he continued to drive.

It was a bright summer day in Azura, a perfectly normal day, some would call it. But not the police department, no, not today.

The day was July 10th 2012, also known as the 50th anniversary of the town's formation. To celebrate, the police department opened up the training courses for anyone to attempt; if someone or some pup did well enough, they would be given a chance to enter a police academy to have a chance to enter the force.

Marshall's father, Blaze always wanted his son to become a police officer, and took this opportunity. By talking to their owners, Marshall's father was able to get their owner to drive them down to the police courses, and for Marshall to get one singular attempt at it. They would've given him more attempts, but they were pressed for time due to the fact that they wanted to attend more events during the town's anniversary.

Marshall remembered that one attempt well, for a first attempt as a puppy without any training, he did surprisingly well, but it was nowhere near good enough to complete the course, or be accepted into the police academy, which was the entire reason Blaze wanted Marshall to attempt the course.

This caused Blaze to yell at Marshall when they got home, just like he did back at the lookout. But unlike what happened in the present, Smoke wasn't at least trying to be defensive of Marshall and scold her mate for his actions, even though she thought Marshall was and still is a disappointment as well.

The immediate fallout of this was Marshall running away the very next day, never to be seen by his family again until a few days ago in the present in 2015.

"Come on Marshall, pull yourself together, none of that matters anymore. Just focus on getting to the Paw Patrol training course." Marshall said out loud as he pulled himself out of his thoughts and made a turn, seeing the Paw Patrol's training course as he did so.

He remembered this training course well, Ryder built it last year so the team could practice what they specialized at, and so the pups could work on their teamwork. Back in the infancy of the Paw Patrol as a group, their teamwork was nowhere, especially compared to where it is now, and the training course is a big contributor to how fast the pups improved at what they did.

"I just don't understand why my parents still hold how badly I failed at the police training course against me to this day, especially Blaze." Marshall said out loud as he cried, hearing the sounds of the other vehicles that the rest of the Paw Patrol close behind him. "I was a young pup without any training on my first run, and while I wasn't absolutely insanely good, I was fairly fast at clearing the obstacles that I got through." Marshall continued to himself as he wiped his face with one of his paws, and continued down the long road that led straight to the training course that Rocky and Ryder had built.

Rain began to pour down as Marshall jumped out of his firetruck, parking on the side of the road as he landed in a mud puddle, feeling the mud stain his white and black fur as he began to walk the rest of the way to the training course, determined to prove what he could do to his family.

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