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ash walks out the room to use the bathroom.
I'm still smiling , but it immediately went away as I look down on my phone ...

And see that I had 2 texts from .. TORY...
Fuck I forgot all about Troy ! We where suppose to have a date today.

I clearly was not gonna go tho , because me and ash are back together. I think .

Troys text said :

Hey ! We still on for the date tonight?

Remember I'm picking you up at 8❤️...

There was no way in hell that I was gonna go on that date .
Maybe if I wasn't talking to ashtray, but I am and I'm really happy again .

I can't tell Troy this over the phone tho . I have to tell him in person.

I send him my current location, and I tell him to come in 30 minutes.

I was just gonna tell him that I got back with my ex, like I said I wanted to tell him in person because saying things over text never sounds right.

Ash walks back into the room.

He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, he places his head on my shoulder.

"Hey baby girl"
He says as I turn my head to look at him.

"Hey baby daddy"
I jokingly say as I get out of his grasp.

I turn around to look at his face and he had both eyebrows raised with a suspicious smile on his face
"Baby daddy huh ?"

He says as he grabs my waist again and pulls me closer to him.

I laugh and say
"It was a joke , I'm not having kids , I can barley take care of myself. "

unlesss 😏
Lemme stop
I'm not boutta be on that show called 16 and pregnant.

He laughs as he gives me a kiss on the head.

He pulls away and says
"Wanna come with me to the store ?"

I decline his offer because i honestly don't wanna go out today.

"I'll be right back , don't burn the fuckin house down please"
Ash yells as he walks out the door

How cute . He said please .
love a man with manners 😫

About 5 minutes pass and he knocks on the door . Wow that was fast.

I decide that I'm gonna mess with him.
I open the door and I immediately run away and yelling "LAST ONE IN THE ROOM HAS TO GIVE THE OTHER ONE HEAD"

As I'm running into ash's room , I hear him running behind me, his foot steps sound heavier. Strange.

As I make it into ash's room , I plop myself on the bed "HAH looks like your - WHAT THE FUCK"

I yell out , as I see Troy hovering over me

I immediately push him off of me
I yell once again

"Woah woah what's wrong ?"
He says

"Back up dude I thought you was ashtray"
I say as i get up from the bed

"Ashtray ? What ? Who is ashtray ?"
Troy says in a confused voice

I never told Tory about ash. I didn't think I had to, like I said earlier I was suppose to go on a date with Troy but , ash decided to come back into my life . Perfect timing .....

"My ex , well my boyfriend, I don't know... We just got back together and I wanted you to come over so I could tell you in person ."

Troy looked pissed .

He started to walk towards me .

I start to back up but he was getting extremely close to me.

"Troy what the fuck back up"
I say as I'm still moving back , at this point I was up against the wall because I had no where els to go.

"You led me on ? Then you get back with your fucking ex?" Troy says as he stands right infront of my face .

"Troy what? I didn't lead you on , we only talked for 1 week then our date was suppose to be today , but I'm with ashtray now so please leave . I don't need to explain myself anymore."
I say as I try to push Troy out the way

But he holds me against the wall

"What the fuck is your problem let go of me  !"
I yell as I feel him pinning my shoulders against the wall.

"This is what happens when you lead people on"
Troy says as he leans in and try's to kiss me

I dodge it tho.

"get off!!!"
I yell loudly, I was honestly about to start crying ...

But as I look up trying to stop myself from crying , I no longer feel Troy holding me against the wall.

"What the fuck!?"
I hear Troy yell .

I look back down and I see ashtray punching Troy , he tossed Troy on the ground and ash was throwing punch's , left and right , directly at troys face.

Ofc I let him beat Troy up for a minute.... Looked kinda hot....😏

then I pulled him off Troy because ash was not gonna stop hitting him unless someone pulled him away.

He turns to me
"Are you okay ? Did he do anything to you ?"
Ash says as he looks back down at Troy

But before I could say anything , ash picks up Troy by his shirt and says
"Get the fuck out my house before I put a bullet through you"

Troy ran out the house after that.
what a pussy

I explained to ash everything that happened , I didn't lie to him because , there was no reason to lie.

He understood and said
"So we back together ?"
As if he didn't just nearly kill somebody.

I look up at him
I sarcastically say :
"nOoOo we just almost fucked today and you just beat someone up for me because we are just FrIeNds"

"Of course we're back together, and this time we're not breaking up ? Got it ?"
I say as I playfully punch his arm.

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