34- True loves kiss?

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Where were these damn fairies when I needed them?

"True loves kiss," the fairies giggle, "that's the way to break the spell!" I lean against the window and watch the counsel cheer with delight at a hope to bring Aurora back.

"Oh, our dearest Aurora you will be free of this dreadful curse and back with us once more."

"Great, true love. You got one of those princesses?" She ignores me, as suspected. She is getting her life back I am of no importance again. She jumps with joy, but I catch her eye and she pauses.

"My prince will come." She says with a smile "Maybe yours will too," and jumps joyously with the oversized fairies.

"True love," I murmur as I leave the princesses room. True loves kiss. Why didn't they have a medicinal cure, my heart is vacant, homeless. I'm going to be stuck like this forever. True freaking love.


Once upon a time I believed that good things should happen to good people, and bad things should happen to bad people. Now I know that good things and bad, happen to everyone at any time whether they deserve it or not. I could have justified a few days of this hell, but weeks stuck here and now for weeks... I've done my share of bad sure, but never hurt anyone, just stole. Never murder, I've seen horrible things happen to others and ran the other way. I could have done something, maybe, but I'm not a fighter I would have only gotten in trouble myself. I watched Mitch's father drink away the pain and the bills he compiled. He was a mess and his arm is never going to be same. I stole and sold for him so he could take care of us. I got a job so I wouldn't be as much of a nuisance. I did this so that he would get some sort of normalcy back in his life. I think back to all the pain, just throughout my life. How much my pain has caused others around me. Maybe if I just didn't exist, then everyone's life would be better.


There is a slight buzz in my ear or maybe, it's a ringing. I shake my head trying to get that damn bug out, but it's all in my head. For the past hour or so it's been constant buzzing and growing louder. BUZZ, BUZZ, as if a bee is in my head trying to break down my tympanic membrane. That's right, being around all these doctors, I have learned some new words.

I don't understand all this pain. At first I felt nothing and now I feel everything. All the pain and aches of all the yesterday's stuck here compounded into one day. The hours no longer pass in silence, but roaring, suffering and maddening chaos.

My brain wants answers, real answers. I used to ask to feel something, but not this, I didn't mean this. I shake my head again, but the pain is persistent and only makes the other new symptoms grew as well. I'm spinning, but I'm still, my head is pounding, but I'm silent, my limbs are weak and heavy yet my body hasn't moved I'm weeks. I wanted to feel, but I didn't want to feel all this.

True loves kiss. I think the princess shall be awoken in no time at all. She will be free of this curse and able to do as she pleases. I will be in more pain day by day waiting for the moment when someone finally just ends me.

Russo comes in with Max again to check on my symptoms and I can't help but think that they have a purpose. There are so many more worthy people and powerful people then me. People that can do good, that can influence others. So why was I created? Especially now that all I can do is sit and be poked at. What is my purpose here? Why was I born if I am to just wither away to never do good or bad again? If I had a choice to live, to wake up right now I would. But on the other hand if I had the choice to die right now I would also choose that fate.

Russo decides that although my vitals are normal again, that I feel rather hot. I hadn't noticed due to all my other problems, but he is right. I flip my hand to my head, I'm boiling, I'm surprised I'm not melting away.


Time after time another royal suitor comes and places a kiss upon Aurora's lips and waits to be the one that would awake her from her slumber. It is just over a week since Aurora's curse and her fairy godmothers came up with 'true loves kiss will break the spell.'

"Ture loves kiss. True loves kiss!" They all chanted in their obnoxious peppy voices. Which I still think is absolutely ridiculous.

"Shut up!" I yell at the wall as everyone cheers and fawns over Aurora, but no one can hear me. No one ever hears me. I march past suitors when I find the strength to move and I think I catch Aurora looking to me, but maybe that is my imagination. My hope that we can still be friendly or at least acquaintances after all this is over dissolved. So I walk back out into my adjacent room, fortunate or unfortunately I'm in the room right next to the princess so I can still hear them celebrating... My room is a much smaller room, but close enough that I can hope they will wake her and that I might be woken next.

It day two of the princes descend upon the castle and of those two days, seven boys came before Prince Phillip was finally the one to break the spell. Those fairies were right after all. They said that as soon as his lips met hers, her eyes lids popped open and her skin filled with color, no longer pale as snow and wala they lived happily ever after.

What if I'm not in love with any one? I don't think I even know what love is. How could I, know the only guy I ever spent any time with is Mitch and I, I think I love him, but not in the way that Aurora loves Phillip. What is love? And how did Aurora find her love when she's younger then I?

Everyone swoons over Prince Phillip... When he slayed the dragon and broke the spell to save Aurora from her slumber. But I didn't see a dragon, I saw a pimply teenager get his blazer stuck on a rose bush while trying to get to the castle. His blazer ripped and he fell to the ground scraping his knee as he went. How that turned into him fighting a dragon I will never understand. Either way, he kissed her and she woke up, the end.

Since when did fairy tales actually happen? Since when did true loves kiss break any spell? This doesn't make sense, but it is the only hope I have. From now on, every fairy tale parents will tell their children will be about true love. That true loves kiss fixes everything. Well, what if you are stuck in a death like state without finding a true love first? So I'm screwed, I am royally screwed.

Aurora's wake caused for celebration. There are lines of horses and guards, and the townspeople celebrating as well. They line the streets having a party of their own. There is an array of fancy food that line the walls, there cinnamon flavor wafting up the stairs. Also, lots of dancing and music, the stringed instruments melody, echoing up the stairs. She got her life back, she got everything she wanted back again. Well, maybe not everything, she still lost her best friend. But oh yeah, I'm still here, I'm still stuck, and no one seems to care. For a while they are all too busy and have a rather long party to celebrate the princess's return and her new engagement to Prince Phillip. In love at 16, put under a sleeping curse at 16, Engaged at 16. My brain can't fathom how Aurora knows what she wants and who she wants such a young age.

I sit by the hall as far away from my body as possible and watch the people come and go, hear them sing and their feet move to the music. I hear laughter and love fill the air. I want to be part of that. Even if they did find a way to wake me or someone that might love me (which again is highly unlikely,) I wouldn't be here. I would be back on the streets. Maybe I should just stay here until my body starts to die. I get the company of Dr. Arren and a comfy bed to sleep in 24/7, why am I complaining? Oh that's right, because I'm a ghost that no one knows and now no one ever will.

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