Uncovering Secrets

Start from the beginning

Grover and Annabeth smiled too. It was good to hear about such stories of gods; it made them feel more connected to them.

"So what is the story of that pine tree at half-blood hill? I sensed powerful magic in that tree." Perseus asked, and immediately Grover and Annabeth tensed. They looked at each other, then Grover decided to tell the tale.

"Lord Perseus its a long story so listen carefully. 70 years ago, when World War 2 happened, it was fought between the children of Big Three. A son of Hades was responsible for it, he spread carnage and destruction. So a son of Poseidon, and a son of Zeus, joined forces against him, and defeated him. The war caused more than millions of lives to perish. The Gods decided that the children of Big Three were too powerful, and Zeus made his two brothers along with himself, swear on the river Styx to not have any demigod children." Grover said, looking at the distance. Perseus saw Annabeth shift and knew that wasn't the reason for it, but decided to ask later.

"They obeyed their oaths, until 22 years ago Zeus fell off the wagon, and had a daughter, Thalia. Thalia had some problems at home so she ran away when she was 12 and survived at the streets. In the streets, she met a 16 year old son of Hermes and they traveled together. They spent months at the road, until one day they found a 7 year old daughter of Athena fighting monsters with a hammer." He said, smiling and looking at Annabeth, who was lost in memory.

Perseus smiled too, he knew she was a warrior the first moment he had laid his gaze on her. As a 7 year old she fought monsters with a hammer, that's some hardcore shit.

Grover continued his story, "The three of them traveled together. A satyr was sent to bring the daughter of Zeus to camp. When he reached them he found not one but three half-bloods. Word of a daughter of Zeus got out and Hades released the worst monsters of underworld after her. They were chased all around, by furies and hellhounds. When they reached the half blood hill, the hellhounds also caught them. Thalia, made the satyr promise to get the other two half-bloods to camp, and made her stand there. She fought to give them the time to reach camp. Unfortunately she was fatally injured, there was no chance of her survival. Zeus saw this and turned her spirit into the pine tree, and now the tree protects the camp. It surrounds the camp with a magical border that no monster can cross." Grover said, and tears leaked out of his eyes. Annabeth was also sobbing silently.

Throughout the story, Perseus' blood kept boiling and he kept getting angrier. He hated nothing more than a child's unnatural death. He was going to tear Hades a new one, once he reaches the Lord of the Dead. One other thing he also noticed in the story.

"You were the satyr that was sent to bring Thalia, and Annabeth was the daughter of Athena." Perseus stated, and the satyr nodded.

Soon Grover fell asleep and Perseus turned to her, "What was the real reason behind the oath?"

Annabeth was shocked that he knew that wasn't the reason the gods made the oath. She should've known that the God of Fate would not be fooled. She knew she would have to speak the truth or he would sense it.

"Three years ago I put together some pieces that the story of the oath doesn't make sense. I asked Chiron and he denied knowing anything about it. I kept pestering him and he relented. 70 years ago a prophecy was given by the oracles. The prophecy said that a demigod child of the elder gods would have to make a decision that would decide the fate of Olympus. Whether it be saved or razed. To control the prophecy Zeus forced his brothers into swearing to not have demigod children anymore." Annabeth said, whispering so that no unwanted ears might hear them.

Perseus tensed, this was something their father had tried to do, control the prophecy. He also remembered that the furies had told him that Hades wanted to see him. He decided to visit the Lord of Dead while his companions rested.

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