Grover noticed it, too; he couldn't read a God's emotion, but he could tell it was upsetting to Perseus.

"When Artemis and Apollo were brought to Olympus, they didn't know anything about the Godly world. Hestia and I cared for them, we raised them. Soon though I saw how strong willed and determined Artemis was. I fell in love with her, my siblings and the council knew about it. Now Artemis was and is the most beautiful Goddess after Aphrodite. She was constantly harassed by other Gods and men that wanted to court her, and her being a virgin goddess made her all the more desirable to others," Perseus took a deep breath here.

"One day someone managed to bound her in celestial bronze to rape her. She prayed to her father, brother and me. Apollo and I immediately flashed to her location and saved her. Zeus after that decided it would be better if she was married, then maybe people would stop harassing her. However, Artemis made it pretty clear that she would not give up her maidenhood to her husband. Not so surprisingly no one wanted to marry her after listening to her agreement. Then the council turned to the only God that would truly respect Artemis' decision and honor it. They decided to appeal to the God's kind nature and manipulated him into the marriage." Perseus gritted out, he loved his family, but he was still bitter about suffering in a loveless marriage.

"You," Annabeth softly said. She felt her heartbreak at the thought of someone manipulating someone as Perseus. She may not have known him for long, but she could tell he was the nicest person she had ever met.

Perseus nodded at her, looking outside the windows of the bus.

"Why did the two of you divorce?" She inquired further, pushing him for more answers.

"I wanted to talk with Artemis, about something I don't even remember. I went to visit her at her hunt, she wasn't there. I thought that she may have been on a hunting trip, so I flashed myself to where I could sense her presence. There I found her kissing someone, her arms were around his neck. His arms were wrapped around her waist. I found her cheating on me with Orion, son of Poseidon. In return Orion raped one of her hunters, and tried to rape her," Perseus growled at the son of Poseidon's name. His canines enlarged and popped out of his mouth.

Annabeth couldn't believe what she was hearing. The virgin goddess cheated on her husband with someone that turned out to be a rapist? Whatever respect she had for her vanished.

Grover felt his heart break. One of the goddesses he admired, who all Satyr admired, did something like this?

They spent some time chatting and getting to know each other further when Grover whimpered in his seat.

"What is it dear satyr?" Perseus asked him. Grover looked scared out of his mind; he looked where the satyr was looking to see three familiar faces.

The furies

Annabeth tensed in her seat and her fist clenched. Perseus figured that they had past interactions with the furies. Which probably wasn't all that happy.

The furies reached them and bowed slightly to Perseus. Annabeth and Grover's eyes widened, the furies bowing to someone other than Hades was unheard of.

"What is it girls?" Perseus asked them smirking.

"Lord Hades has something to discuss with you, something he couldn't tell you in front of the other Gods." Alecto answered him. If Annabeth wasn't hallucinating she saw the furies smiling back.

"I will speak with him when I reach west." He answered, and the furies nodded and flew out at the next stop.

"So what did they do to you?" Perseus turned to Annabeth, as this time he was the one asking questions.

Perseus- The Lost GodWhere stories live. Discover now