Alec shook his head, gasping, "well that's...well that''re incredibly sexy Magnus, if it wasn't for the phone I'm not sure I could have stopped what we were doing."

The phone went silent, but Magnus saw Ragnor's name on the display.

Magnus smiled "Alexander, I'm the same myself, but I'll call him back now, because he promised to come over tonight, maybe he called about that. "He picked up the phone and called Ragnor. They talked for a few minutes, while he sat still on the kitchen island, his legs wrapped around Alec's waist, his fingers playing with Alec's hair. When he hung up, he said.

"Alexander, as much as I'd love to continue what we started, Ragnor is coming earlier and he'll be here in an hour, and the truth is, if we'd continued this, I couldn't stop either, but I want our first time to be special. I want to make it unforgettable for you."

"I love you Magnus" Alec looked at him full of love

Alec gave a light kiss on Magnus' cheek and said, "we'd better get on with the cooking, I'll help you." Alec said, and bent down to pick up his shirt. It was then that Magnus saw Alec's tattoo. A long phoenix feather ran down his side, the end of which curved onto his shoulder blade.

"Alexander, it's beautiful," Magnus said, stroking the tattoo. Alec shivered at the touch.

"Thank you, Clary made it. She's Jace's girlfriend. She works in a tattoo salon."

"Now put your shirt on and let's cook because I'm not standing up for myself" said Magnus, and they laughed at each other.

They finished cooking dinner, but agreed to wait for Ragnor, who must be hungry after the long journey.

Soon the bell rang. Magnus opened the door and greeted his friend.

"Ragnor, I'm glad you're here, I've had extraordinary days. You wouldn't believe what's been happening"

Ragnor unpacked his bag, he was at home with Magnus, he'd been to his place many times before. "I bet the kittens keep you busy every moment. I knew you wouldn't get bored with them, let me see how they are." Ragnor said, and went straight into the living room. It was then that he saw Alec in the kitchen, who was putting out the plates for dinner.

"Hi Ragnor, you're having dinner here, aren't you? Alec asked, as if nothing was more natural than him setting the table in Magnus' kitchen.

Ragnor stopped, his jaw dropped, looked first at Magnus, then at Alec, pointed to one and then to the other, but was surprised and could not speak. The two boys started laughing.

"You both have some explaining to do, but first I'm going to examine Snowflake and the kittens with a cool head."

Ragnor said, then continued into the living room. He examined Snowflake and the kittens. "Magnus, which kitten had to be resuscitated?" Ragnor asked.

"The little one with the tabby paw."

"Yes, I see, he's the smallest, but it's all right, Snowflake takes good care of them. She's a good mom. The babies will drink milk for a while, but Snowflake will get more and more tired of it as they grow, so get her some vitamins and food that's suitable for a mother cat. I'll write down what she needs. You can get everything here at your local pet shop." Ragnor said, and wrote it all down for Magnus.

And now I want dinner and an explanation. He said as they went out to the kitchen. Did you guys hooked up?

They sat down at the table, Magnus picking at everyone's vegetable fried rice, then he said, "Ragnor, allow me to introduce my boyfriend, Alexander Gideon Lightwood.

Snowflake, the writer and the vetМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя