New beginnings

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New Beginning

"I am so excited to be having our first young adult small group!" Miranda announced to the group. "For starters why don't we go around and say our name and something about yourself." Everyone nodded in agreement. There were 6 people including Scarlett and Evan. "I will go first" Miranda said while tapping her white polished nails on the coffee table. "My name is Miranda and I love to skydive." She got a few oh and ah's from that. "Next why don't we clockwise." She pointed to the girl sitting next to her.

"I'm Betty" she looked around at the group her large black glasses taking up her entire face. "I have an obsession with books."

"Me too" Scarlett interrupted. Scarlett and Betty were going to be the best of friends, she could already tell.

"Scarlett why don't you go next?"

The door flew open and Miranda's dog started barking again at the intrusion.

"Sorry" Liz said while whipping off her shoes. "I got lost, but don't worry we are here." The front door closed but Liz didn't close it.

"River?" Scarlett asked slowly standing up.

"Hey, your friend sort of dragged me here."

"Good, more people" Miranda said moving to greet them. Miranda and Liz were friends already so Liz settled in on the couch as Miranda lead River to the group. "We are just going around and introducing ourselves." Miranda had such a warm loving personality that made people just open up to her.

"I'm River" Miranda pulled up a bean bag chair and plopped down in it, giving River her chair.

"I'm Miranda, that is Betty and why don't you introduce yourself next..." River gave a slow hesitant nod, rolling her shoulders back and swallowing her nerves.

"I'm River and I don't really believe in God." She felt the need to explain further considering this was a church small group. "I used to, but I kind of... just stopped."

"But you are here." Miranda said with a warm smile, still trying to get comfortable on the mushy bean bag.

"Yeah, well... I started praying when Scarlett was in the hospital and I sort of didn't stop praying after that." Scarlett sucked in a breath, River was praying for her? Scarlett wanted to cry, she produced a broken smile instead. "You scared me." River said looking across the table at Scarlett.

"I'm sorry." River rolled her eyes, sorry was basically banded in their house. "I'm glad you are here."

"Me too..." there was a long moment of silence but Miranda cleared her throat indicating Scarlett to continue the introductions.

"I'm Scarlett" Hi Scarlett, Evan mouthed and Scarlett hit him gently on the arm. "I..." What was important or good about Scarlett's life? Her mind went blank thinking of something to say, Evan nudged her under the table. "I can't keep plants alive." Scarlett stated, that was something important to know, don't give her plants, she will kill them. Evan started laughing, Scarlett hit him again, harder this time.

"Good to know" Miranda said, her eyes drifting to Evan.

"I'm Evan" hi Evan, Scarlett mouthed copying him. "I was in the army" Evan figured that saying that would clarify some things so he wouldn't have to explain his appearance as much.

Ryan worked as a su-chef and promised to bring treats each week, and his fiancé Clem was a teacher but never wanted kids. Ryan was also in the war and lost a leg, he had a prosthetic so, Ryan and Evan bonded immediately. Scarlett loved kids and wanted children since she was a child herself so hearing Clem's horror stories of her students was hilarious. Once everyone was aquatinted they started with Psalms.

"It's right in the middle" Miranda said "because we are in the middle of our lives and it seems like a good place to start."

Scarlett's favorite bible verse was in Psalms, as if God knew she needed to read it again as she flipped open one of Miranda's extra bibles she landed on the verse. Scarlett no longer believed in luck, only faith.

'The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul and leads me down paths of righteousness.'

After the group was done discussing the bible everyone stayed at Miranda's house for an extra two hours just talking and getting to know one another. Ryan and Evan planned to go to the dog park with Ryan and Clem's dog on Friday and the girls were going to have a movie night and start a book club. It seemed like Scarlett and Evan's messed up lives were going to be okay after all. 

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