Talk and pray

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     They stood and talked, then sat and prayed. Franklin got everyone coffee and teas as they waited. The surgery was going to last a while but they didn't want to get comfy.

"Scarlett would have told me to bring a book." Lena said laughing. "She would have been very disappointed that I didn't spend all this time reading, instead of worrying about her."

"You are so right Mrs. Connor. Scarlett is not going to be happy with you when she wakes up." Liz said, her lips curving up in a smile.

"When she wakes up" the Connors smiled, when she wakes up. WHEN is such a horrible word, when means waiting and waiting for something that might never come.

When will God answer their prayer?

When will they be done with her surgery?

When will Scarlett wake up?

"You are not answering my prayers" Evan said as he marched away from the group. "You didn't answer it about Cameron and you didn't answer it about me and I got over that." He yelled as he stormed off. "I got over you not listening to me on the two most important things in my life but I won't let you ignore me again." Lena had moved following Evan from a distance. "You can't take her from me, from them." Lena's eyes swelled again and she felt so happy that Scarlett found someone that loved her so much. "If you don't bring her back to me I will never forgive you." Evan spun in a circle turning back to the parents, seeing Lena watching him. "I was just..." but Lena ran to him enveloping him in a hug. Her small frame only going up to his chin.

"The way she talked of you..." Lena started letting Evan go, "I thought that, well I hoped that you were good for her, I hoped that you would bring her back to God."

"Well, actually I'm not too close with him right now." Evan felt embarrassed as he twisted his shoes on the dirty floor. "I haven't been close with God for a long while now." He tried to tug on a smile but couldn't lie to Lena.

"But right now?"
"Oh, I yell at him frequently."

"I do that as well, can I yell with you?" Evan looked down to her, her smile was small but pure.


"You seem like a great man Evan. I can see why she loves you."

"I don't know how great I am, I can't save her."

"Neither can I. Does that make me a bad mother?"
"No" Evan said immediately trying to apologize but not finding the words.

"Evan," she put a hand on his cheek "you are a great man, staying here, yelling at God..."


"You bargained for her life too?"
"It was the only thing I thought to I could do."

"You really are what's best for my Scarlett."

"Can I speak to you and your husband for a moment?" Lena nodded and brought Brandon back with her. "Scarlett is going to make it. She is stronger than anyone I have ever known..." Evan always thought that nurses said that to make the families feel better but Scarlett was strong, and Lena and Brandon nodded in agreement. "So when she gets out I'm going to ask her something," Evan said clearly, looking deeply into their tear stained faces. Lena and Brandon stood arm in arm waiting for Evan's choppy sentences to finish. "But I need to ask for your permission first." Brandon dropped Lena's arm as she rushed to Evan hugging him again. Brandon held out a hand, all Evan needed now was for Scarlett to wake up. 

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