31. Proposal

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It's good to be back! when I was in coma, It was like I was aware of everything happening to me. Everything was dark around me, it was so suffocating. I tried a lot to open my eyes but it wasn't happening. I was so scared, I really thought at one point that it's my time to die. I have been waiting for death for so long since I came to knew about my cancer which was on the day Samuel died. I was broken but when I knew about his death one and a half year ago I forgot about my illness and pain of his death overcame everything.

My parents also become so over protective after my the news of my cancer. I didn't go for treatment beacuse they told me that my chances of survival are only 30 % and it was also a very painful process so I convinced my parents to let me come here in this city so I can achieve my dream of becoming a well known painter before dying. It was hell of a fight between my parents and me but thankfully I won because in their heart they also knows that starting my treatment would decrease my life more. I am not going to make it andbthat was the exact reason I didn't want pursue my relationship with Lorenzo. He had seen enough, I don't want him to see the death of another close person but he made it difficult for me, his love wins against me. I thought I would not fall in love with anyone but with Lorenzo it just happened. It's difficult to not fell in love with a man like Lorenzo. He loved me like no one else, I can see it hell anyone can see it how he cares for me and how much he love me even my parents admit that his love for me is so pure. Sometimes I am afraid that will I ever be able to match his love? Yes I love him but in his comparison may be not so much and this looming threat of death over my head is making everything difficult.

He is trying his best to save me but I don't think I would make it. It's a lost battle which he is fighting with all his heart. My mom told me that for the past month when I was in come he never left my side, he was there for me when I wasn't there to see it. He took care of my parents too and I can clearly see how much my parents are fond of him even after knowing his past job they are okay with it as long as he quit it for good which I know he did.

It's two weeks since I woke up from coma but in this period my chemotherapy has started my doctor Mr Harrison told me that I have very less time left so it's better If I start my treatment. But I am afraid! I am afraid of dying, I don't want to die. I am more scared for Lorenzo, I don't know what would happen to him. Everyone told me how he was when I was in coma when he thought that I am going to die. Jake told me how he avenged me and his family. I don't know if I am happy about it but I think Landon has it coming after he did that to me, it was the last straw for Lorenzo. 

"Are you hungry?" My mom asked me.

"No" I shake my head making a face, the food here is just eww. I am missing the tasty food of home. But my doctor has refrained from eating anything that is not bland soups. ARGHHH!

"Mom where is Lorenzo? He is not here since morning" I asked her. He still sleeps in my room on the bed next to mine but he is away since we awake. It's not like him, other times it is me who would try to force him to go out but he won't budge and now he is nowhere to be seen. I am kind of missing him.

"I called him but he said he is doing something very important" my mom told me with a mischievous smile. I looked at her with a frown.

"And what could that be?" I asked.

"You better ask him about that?" She said.

"Dad do you know anything?" I asked him but he shook his head no and complained.

"They didn't tell me anything, they were planning something but when I asked them they dismissed me" he huffed.

"Because you are not good at keeping secrets" my mom said and my dad just groaned.

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