30. Awake

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It's been a month since she is in coma but still she is not awake she opened her eyes the next day of her surgery but it was for a minute and then she fell in to come. Doctors are trying to find a way to save her but it looks like nothing is working. Her parents and her friends James and his sister are also here. They visit her often during the day but it's me who stays with her at night. At first her parents were not comfortable with me staying with her especially her father but her mother was different story. She convinced her husband to let me stay with her.

I am awful since one month, my beard and hair has grown. My clothes and essential things are shifted here in her room as I spend most of my day here. I dont leave her alone it's more like I can't. Her parents are also worried about her, I have seen both of them crying while talking to her but it's a good thing that they have each other to console. Most of the times I forgot to eat but Jake and Mrs Lockwood, Angel's mother would bring me food and often force me to eat when I refuse to.

Doctors had told us that her cancer is spreading and making her condition more critical, her bullet wound has been mostly healed but her cancer is the main problem. I have called a very well known oncologist for her treatment and he has been working on her but her coma is the biggest problem. They said that it won't work until she wake up and that is not happening. I am dying to see her grey eyes but I am still waiting, I don't know what I will do if she won't make it but I am sure that I would die too.

It's 6 am in the morning and I am still not able to sleep. I am sitting beside her clutching her hand tightly, I am afraid that if I will close my eyes she would disappear. I was gazing at her face which I am doing since past month hoping that she will open her eyes at any moment.

"You still didn't sleep?" I heard Mrs Lockwood said standing at the door, accompanied by Mr Lockwood who was just behind her, he looks at me when he heard her. They both looked unhappy, they now consider me as a their son too. I now know from where she had took her kindness from. Her parents are very kind and caring, they take care of me as if I am their own son.

"You would get sick if this keeps going like this" Mrs Lockwood said while patting my head lovingly and gave me a worried glance. They have also put an extra bed in this room for me but I only use it occasionally.

"We are here now you should sleep" she said softly.

"Don't worry we will keep an eye on her, if anything happen we will wake you up" she added, she knows what is going on in my head. I don't know how but she understand me everytime. In my heart I have also considered her as my mother.

"Go sleep now" This time it was Mr Lockwood, he said sternly when I didn't move. I nods and stood up, I kissed on my Angel's head then went to sleep on the bed meet to her still facing her. I didn't know when I closed my eyes and slept.
I heard voices around me, they were whispers but the voice which was dominating all other voices was so sweet and so melodious. It was my Angel's voice, she was talking to someone. I know I am having a dream but why can't I see her. I don't want to open my eyes afraid that her voice will disappear once I awake.

"Mom why he is not waking up, I want to talk to him" she whined.

"You know he hasn't slept properly from 2 days" she said.

Wait what? I opened my eyes abruptly and sat up, I looked to my left to see my angel sitting their talking to her mother.

"Angel" I whispered still not believing the sight infront of me.

She looked towards me and smiled at me however her smile was not as energetic as it always is.

"Hey sleepy head! I am waiting for hours now for you to wake up" she said.

"Oh my God..you are awake. You really are awake" I said in happiness and moved towards her. I cupped her face in my palms and looked in her grey eyes.

"Angel you don't know how happy I am to see you awake, I thought that ..." I stopped from completing my sentence. She is awake!

"Don't ever do this again, I am angry at you" I said and moved away from her. She looked at me confused.

"Why?" She asked me.

"Because you took a bullet for me, you put your life in danger. Don't you dare put me through that again" I said sternly.

"And I let you die infront of me" she countered.

"I had a plan Angel" I told her.

"But I didn't know that, I just saw him firing towards you and then it's just happened" she said looking down. I sighed and sat beside her.

"I understand but please never put your life in danger again" I said softly and she nods.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Not that bad" she sighed.

"Lorenzo go eat something it's past lunch time now!" Mrs Lockwood said.

"I am not hungry" I told her.

"I didn't ask" she said firmly. I sighed and stood up.

"Fine" I said.

"Why didn't you awake me?" I complained.

"Eva didn't let me" she said and I looked at her and she shrugged.

"I am not liking that beard and those long hairs on you and also I can see the dark circles too. What have you done to yourself" she scolded me.

"Honey let him go, he must be hungry" Mrs Lockwood said and I nod thankfully at her.

I went out of the room with a grin, happy that she is awake when I bumped Mr Lockwood.

"Sorry" I said.

"Where were you?" I asked him.

"I was with her doctor" he said with a frown.

"What did he say?" I asked now all serious.

"Her cancer is spreading out and she need to start her treatment from today or else.." His eyes glisten and I also looked down.

"Nothing will happen to her Mr Lockwood and I won't let anything happen to her" I told him with determination and he smiled at me then he did something unexpected. He hugged me and whispered.

"I believe you, I believe that you won't let anything happen to her. I am happy that she have you in her life" he said and I smiled. I told them everything about me my past, my job everything. So even after telling him everything he thinks that I am good for his daughter, what more I can ask for.

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