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Life has been terrible for Xiao Zhan for the last 3 months! One moment his little brat was sleeping carelessly cuddling on his chest. The next moment he found him gone. Like what the fuck! How could someone possibly go and vanish from the earth?

Xiao Zhan walked through the busy streets of London. His eyes keep falling on the passers-by couples, wondering if he could one day be like them too, and can hug his omega without fighting.

Xiao Zhan stopped walking as he saw an old lady bumping into a beta and fall on the ground, dropping her bags. Before he knew, he found himself making the lady stand and gathering the vegetables the lady dropped off the ground and put them back into her bags. Xiao Zhan glared at the beta, making him run away.

"Thank you, son!" Zhan heard the lady speak in a grateful voice, trying to take her bags.

"no problem! Let me carry them for you! Too heavy!" Xiao Zhan said with a smile, making the lady smile and nod.

As they walked in total silence, the lady suddenly asked what Xiao Zhan was doing there as she saw he was not local, making Xiao Zhan smile and reply that he was just passing by.

"You live here?! " Xiao Zhan asked in astonishment. As the lady took him to one of the old-aged houses he funded. It's not only that one, he even funded the orphanage next to the old-aged home. As he thought, why not put the orphan children with the old people as they might get affection from the people there.

The lady nodded with a smile, not understanding why the young man was shocked.

"Auntie Rose!!"They both heard a sweet voice running towards them with teary eyes.

"Auntie, you promised you would take me to the shop! Why did you go alone?" Xiao Zhan heard the boy around 15 nagging the old lady continuously shaking her hand like a brat. He must say omega brat as he could smell the boy. Damn, it made him remember how this boy behaved a little like his wild Omega, but not totally after all. His wild one won't be shaking people through his arms, but he will just grab his collar and shake like a mad man.

The lady and the omega looked at Xiao Zhan questionably as he laughed at his own thoughts.

"Ah... Sorry! I just remembered my omega!" Xiao Zhan said with embarrassment, making them both smile at him.

"Young man! Come inside! I would love to cook something for you!" auntie Rose asked Xiao Zhan with a smile, making Xiao Zhan nod and follow her with her bags.

As Xiao Zhan roamed around the building watching old people talking and laughing with some children, he assumed they were from the orphanage next door. He took notes about the things around him, thinking about if he needed to do something more.

"Mr. Sean!" Xiao Zhan heard one of the old men calling him out as he walked nearby.

"I was right! Sir, why did you come here without informing? We should have prepared something if we knew you would come!" that old man named Mr. Smith asked Xiao Zhan with a visibility pout.

When Xiao Zhan first visited the old-age home when he was just 16, he found it in bad condition and he asked his father to invest there, though he never gave his real name, he only said his name was Sean. And he asked them to take care of the old age home and orphanage next door by themselves as people do in their home. His kind behaviour earned him a name. Although only a few people saw him, they still remember him.

"Don't worry uncle! I am not here to visit; auntie Rose invited me to eat here!" Xiao Zhan smiled sweetly, making Mr. Smith sighed in relief.

"Oh., she is again at it! This old woman!" Mr. Smith grumbled.

"What's wrong!" Xiao Zhan asked, being curious.

"Just last week she got a young omega follow her here, and feed him full, now she got you!" Mr. Smith complained, making Xiao Zhan laugh.

"She must be proud of her cooking!" Xiao Zhan giggled.

" That's true, now that omega is coming every day and staying till midnight!" Mr. Smith said with a chuckle.

"hum?! " Xiao Zhan didn't understand why would someone come every day!

"oh... That brat comes, eats, plays with us and the children every day. But I must say, too wild! " said Mr. Smith making Xiao Zhan look at him wildly.

"Ha-Ha! I think you love the wildness! "Xiao Zhan said with a smile.

"of course! "Mr. Smith exclaimed happily.

"He is helping with their homework now! " Mr. Smith pointed at the children far away, which was hardly noticeable from there.

"Time for the meal! " Mrs. Rose shouted, making the children run to her, also the people there walking slowly.

Xiao Zhan, who was walking around with Mr. Smith came a little late, but his eyes widened, looking at the young man helping the old lady carrying some plates.

"Wang Yibo?! " Xiao Zhan called in a shocked voice, making the latter crash the plate he was holding.

Before Xiao Zhan could understand, he found himself chasing the omega who ran away hearing his voice.

"Yeah! You brat! Stop right there!" Xiao Zhan yelled as he chased after his omega.

Xiao Zhan hurled the running omega up by his waist and threw him over his shoulder, making the latter yelp in shock and hit him harshly.

"let me go!" Wang Yibo yelled at Xiao Zhan, pulling his hair and hitting his back crazily.

The others looked at the couple widely. One displaying his power, the other hitting and pulling his hair wildly.

"Stay still!" Xiao Zhan barked in anger as he found the omega lost more than 5kg over three months.

"no., you dickhead..., fucking leave me!" Wang Yibo screamed his lungs out, making Xiao Zhan almost deaf.

"Yeah! I am that dick head whose dick fucked you! Now better shut your mouth!" Xiao Zhan mocked Wang Yibo, rolling his eyes as he started to walk, making Wang Yibo hit and kick his hand and legs again.

"Here I thought we could have a normal conversation without fighting! " Xiao Zhan sighed disappointedly, making Wang Yibo stand on the ground securely.

Wang Yibo glared at him with red eyes rising his hand to punch the shit out of the alpha but sadly as if known to the boy, Xiao Zhan held the hand before it could hit his pretty face.

"tich - you have no respect for your alpha!" Xiao Zhan said with annoyance, making Wang Yibo hiss at him, baring his fangs.

"You forced me to do this!" Xiao Zhan said as he grabbed Wang Yibo's neck and pulled his t-shirt down a bit, revealing their mating mark which was sitting like a jewel on Wang Yibo's neck.

"What are you...." Wang Yibo was shocked at Xiao Zhan's sudden advances.


Xiao Zhan sank his teeth into his mark, making Wang Yibo fall unconscious in his arms. As Xiao Zhan carried Wang Yibo close to his heart, he found the people looking at him strangely.

"He is my mate, who ran away!" Xiao Zhan said the last part with a pout.

"I am kidnapping him back home now!" Xiao Zhan said and walked away with a huge smile. 

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