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It was so wrong to feel worried about your lifetime enemy, yet Xiao Zhan felt something inside him stirring when he met the bloodshot eyes of his long-term bully, that wild omega.

And it happened so suddenly. One moment ago, he was about to get engaged to his best friend, the next moment he found himself being slapped harshly and falling in front of his family, the media taking his photos crazily for the breaking news. The Shock was written all over his family's faces as their son was being humiliated in front of the world.

Lusi was expecting a little bit of drama, but not like this. She thought Xiao Zhan might get punched today, but she never thought it would be Wang Yibo who would punch Xiao Zhan. It was unexpected to think Wang Yibo would create a problem as she didn't remember Xiao Zhan or his family or Wang Yibo's family letting Wang Yibo know about Xiao Zhan's engagement, as they knew Wang Yibo might do something to crash the engagement. And it happened even without them letting Wang Yibo know.

Xiao Zhan, who was in shock, wiped his lips which had blood, as the slap was strong. The male omega has weak construction, so does Wang Yibo, with a very small and thin body. But that doesn't stop him from doing what he likes. Wang Yibo is trained in fighting and an award-winning dancer who trained 8 hours a day without falling a day. That made him too strong for just any omega.

"Are you OK?!" Lusi asked, placing her hand on Xiao Zhan's shoulder.

Xiao Zhan nodded and stood up. The next moment, Xiao Zhan could say anything to Wang Yibo, he felt his blood boil as Wang Yibo pushed Lusi away from Xiao Zhan.

"Wang Yibo!" Xiao Zhan yelled at Wang Yibo as he held Lusi from falling.

Wang Kuan hurriedly held Wang Yibo and pushed him behind, feeling Xiao Zhan getting outraged by Wang Yibo's behavior.

"I am sorry Xiao Zhan!" Wang Kuan apologized hurriedly as he held his struggling baby brother, who was furious.

The Wang family already knew Wang Yibo might do something to anger Xiao Zhan if he came to know that Xiao Zhan was going to get engaged. So, they made Wang Yibo leave China in the name of taking care of a meeting overseas. They also don't understand why Wang Yibo hates Xiao Zhan so much for destroying every marriage and function he held. And, of course, they never suspect their Bobo's feelings for Xiao Zhan, like one will hit and hurt the person they love.

Wang Yibo bit his brother's hand and freed himself and held Xiao Zhan's collar, dragging him towards him.

"Wang Yibo! Just what do you think you are doing?!" Xiao Zhan hissed his words, trying to control his pheromones, as he couldn't let himself drown in anger and hurt the omega.

"Why did no one tell me that you were getting engaged?!" Wang Yibo yelled at Xiao Zhan.

"Do they have to tell you?! Who do you think you are?! Humm...!" Xiao Zhan vomited those words out in rage. He knew something like this would happen if Wang Yibo knew. He already had a plan for today, yet Wang Yibo destroyed everything.

"You believe me, Xiao Zhan! I will destroy anyone who marries you!" Wang Yibo said with a dark voice.

"Enough! Leave now before I lose my patience!" Xiao Zhan uttered in rage, throwing Wang Yibo's hands away from his collar.

"You can't make me!" Wang Yibo spat those words out in a rage.

Xiao Zhan felt like he was losing his patience. His blood was ragging with the look the omega was giving him, as if challenging him with authority. How badly he wanted to hit that annoying face and tame that wild personality of this shit like omega. Yet he didn't, as he had no heart to mingle with this omega.

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