"Will you get out or should I lock you inside?" my brother's sarcastic voice brought me from my daydream as I got out of the car not before sending a murderous glare his way. This boy won't let me even think for a moment

When we walked towards the main door I already saw a dead glare from girls sending to me and my brother's hand that was around my shoulders. Did I mention that he is protective over me? And when I say protective I mean very protective. He wouldn't let me have a boyfriend until my 18th birthday. Thankfully I have my 18th birthday in a month or so. Not that I'm looking for a boyfriend I'd just love to have a chance to have someone to love me you know

Every boy that was not a boy from our group was always sent away by my brother or by my other friend Mason. He and my brother are so alike that it's even scary... they have the same style, same eyes, hair, mind, they even have a similar voice! I hate it

But back to the topic. The girls who glared at me were jealous because my brother had his hand around me. Yes, he is hugging his sister oh my god sent him to jail. Note the sarcasm... Every girl in this school liked at least one boy from our popular group, well...every girl except me. I've never liked any of our boy friends and if so, it was just a one-moment thing before I buried my face into my books again

I read a lot but that is just because I can't associate with anyone, if they don't talk first then I won't talk to them at all. I'm a really shy girl when it comes to making friends.

We stopped in front of my locker and Ash kissed me goodbye before walking toward the girl that was sending glares at him, Beverly, slut, whore, a bitch, and a lot more. I hate her since freshman year but I'm not telling Ash that. He would get angry at her and do something stupid to her. Yes, that protective.

Just when I closed my locker a smiling face appeared beside me. I chuckled and smiled back at my best friend Holy. I already told you about her, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and a perfect figure that I could just dream of. She's been my best friend ever since my brother introduced us, I am the shy one and she is the talkative one, we're like a puzzle we're completing each other.

"helloe my bestie" she grinned and showed me her perfect whities.

"heyyy" I pouted and hugged her.

It's the last day of junior year and Holy is moving into Cali right after our holiday together because her parents wanted a little change. Yeah like they couldn't wait for just one another year

She pulled away and raised my chin "Heads up, there are whole two months of freedom waiting for us" Holy winked at me while I sent her a sad smile. God how much I'll miss you.

"Girls it's the last day of juniors so let's enjoy it!" Mason hugged our shoulders and grinned. We both rolled our eyes but laughed at Mason's behavior. Soon there was also another friend Isabella but we call her Bella or just B. She has beautiful red hair and two dimples on each cheek.

The moment our bell rang, we all frowned and separated our ways to our first period. Math. I've never liked math, it's just so confusing with a lot of stupid numbers and letters. Who would tell that we'd use so many letters in a subject where you count with numbers? NO. ONE!

When I sat on my usual seat in the back, I picked the book from my backpack and started reading a novel I'm reading right now. It's about a girl that has her parents divorced and she moves to California in the summer holidays and falls in love with her dad's wife's son. I love this kind of books, the romantic ones (A/n: I really have this book home if someone wants to know the name of it. It's really good)

"watcha reading?" said a familiar voice from beside me and I jumped in fright before I realized it was just an annoying boy named Hunter Jones. We never get along but he loves to annoy me even tho we hate each other.

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