the END from the START Chapter #1

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Hello my name is Nyx Chronelus my name  was picked up by my grandfather ,my grandfather take a very strong interest in mythos well , you can see that just hearing my name and who picked it , Nyx was the goddess of night  in the Greek mythology and with my name being like that i too took an interest in mythos but with that aside my age 14 year old  and a quit normal or average if i may say . But well . . . that how this was suppose to be .

'Today is a normal sunny day I am on my way to school and suddenly I feel the whole world  trembling  but then  after a few minute it stopped I continue on my to school with the thought that it was a earthquake , after a second I remember many stories that start from event like this but if I really would reborn in a fantasy world I want to be in Tensura i finished the second season all the web novel , and the manga doesn't really that far from the anime and solo leveling finished too . . . '

I didn't get the chance to finish my thought and I  fainted.

~time skip~

Nyx:" hnngh wha  what happened!? " 'I calmed down to think properly why I fainted than I again feel the world trembling but this is different {~announcement : the end of time and space shall befall on you } as the voice was heard  in the sky appeared hundred of rift and the world start to crumble I see people dies inside  a building  luckily I was in a open area then I hear from the police car  they called everyone to get to an open area, 2 second later I hear phone ring and I remember to call my family to check if they safe but the one who called was my mother I answer the call and mother start to say in terrifies sad confused voice "Nyx dear are you okay " then I answer in a shocked trembling voice "yes mam  I . . . I in safe place" 

' what could have happen to make mother so sad ' I thought "Nyx please keep clam and listen " she said "*gulp* okay " "your your dad and grandfather crushed  under the building..." second later  *shreek*sound "ha it finally my turn huh" in shocked terrifies  confused sad trembling in that many emotion run through me I said "huh , hee hah no , no what ... what do you mean mom . . . "I couldn't  finish my sentence  the phone cut off  I've started crying with dead look in my eyes than I heard a voice.

{**~announcement : start preparation for inheriting the position as the shadow monarch in success}

before I could've  reorganize my thoughts with the world just going to his doom  monsters like people started to appear from the rift and in 1 second all  the 47milion monster begone to enter my shadow second later , I've faint , then I heard a voice again .

{~announcement : preparation for the inheritance   successfully  finished , start the adjustment  of the host~} 

{~~successfully received ultimate skill [Ashborn monarch of shadows] ~~}

only a few second passed from the moment I fainted 

the moment I realize that I'm awake and not dreaming my mind star to shatter  many emotion flow to me  a hole opened from the ground it started to heat  up, a wave of lava come from one side while a tsunami  from another , meteors come from the sky if it wasn't the end  I would say it was quit beautiful but 

unfortunately  I was still at  my right mind I could feel, I could hear, I could see at that time what  was the blessing  for human was my worst curse in that moment, I stopped thinking  and started to run to the  first place I saw while screaming all my voice out  but second later "ahhhhhhhhhhh *bump*" after that I knocked out for some second I then again heard a voice { ~! Note : acquiring unique skill {quite mind } }

{~Note : acquired unique skill {quit mind } successfully }

I then started thinking right again  but in the same time I understand that I am on edge of death 

I remember the voice and trying to call him 'hey weird voice you there '  ~~*Wissses*~~  ' sigh* such a stupid thought it not like a goddess like Nyx would come and help me right' then I heard the voice again

{~note : acquiring   (evolved from unique skill (blessing of the night ) and ultimate skill [goddess of the night and the feared one Nyx]  ) [manas Nyx]  successfully }

"huh  heee!! just like this ,if it's like this then , I wish I could bring back people from the dead "

{~~note :acquiring ultimate skill [Hades god of death] successfully} 

"if there is a next life I want to be a true dragon like rimuru when he become a true dragon after beating Velgryind and Veldora but I want to born a true dragon I want to be pure true dragon of darkness like there was that skill whos connected to Nyx who govern over the night /dark I will be a true dragon of darkness and to be able to create every little thing that I want ".

{~~note :you have acquired [Erebus God of Darkness] successfully}

{~~note :you have acquired [Dazel Mahurazda] successfully }

{~~note :you have acquired  [true dragon magic] successfully}

"I I I can't believe  I just acquired all of this ah ah ah !}, while forgetting my situation  I'm in , I continue laughing until death,  I'm getting reborn  , to think it was just more normal sunny day like every day. 

{!~~ note  :acquiring extra skill<zero doubt> in success}

{~~note : starting in proccing  the body gander skill and sub-specie}

                                                         <. . .>

(<I don't know if this long or not so please say in the comment>)

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