Manik, you must be thinking that I am such a coward who never fought back and just beared every torture of Harshad like an emotional fool. No Manik! I fought! Trust me! I fought with all my strength but I lost infront of my Amms. He.. he threatened to stop Amms treatment, Manik. And..

He.. he had our photos which was clicked in compromise position. It was morphed. I knew it was all fake but my amms didn't. She wasn't that strong to bear all this, Manik. Already I lost my parents 2 years back. Now I couldn't afford to loose amms so I did everything he asked me to. I was helpless Manik. I didn't had a choice.

He asked me to marry you. I wasn't ready. He was always jealous of you. He just wanted to destroy your happiness, Manik. When I denied for this, he again threatened me using amms. I had to agree.

After marrying you I was always been in guilt of hiding the things from you but I never had a choice. I wanted to tell you everything. I wanted to cry in your embrace. But I couldn't. I just couldn't. Harshad had even bribed one of your butler who used to keep eye on us and give him all the information. I was about to tell everything to you yesterday. I wanted to confess my love and start our new beginning without any lies. But again, Harshad ruined it all. You heard everything on your own and misunderstood. I won't blame you for that. Galti meri thi. I shouldn't have hided the things till this long. Pr Manik, maine yeh sab jaan boojhkar nahi kiya tha. I was being pressurized.

Harshad and I was never in a relationship. It was all a lie. A big fat lie. He came in my college and become my friend. We were just friends but out of nowhere, he started to become clingy. I never liked it. He always helped me with one or other things while managing home, amms. Because after my parents death, everything messed up for me. He helped me even handling Murthy Industries. But I guess, I shouldn't have taken his help that time. He sneaked in very easily and very smartly turned up everything in the company in his favor. One day, he proposed me infront of whole college. He literally pressurized me to say yes, Manik. I was so reluctant and uncomfortable. I was burdened with responsibilities and his favours. I had to say yes.

Amms disliked him from the very start. She didn't even recognized him as her grandson. Because he was very small when my father divorced his mother and parted ways with her. Yeah, he is my step brother. I got to know it when he came home being drunk and blabbered all the shit. I was shattered, Manik. Even though I never loved him, but I always respected him and thought him as a good friend. But everything turned ugly from that night.

He started abusing me, he used to beat me. I thanked my Aiyyappa thousand times in my mind for keeping my amms in hospital. Weird right? Who would like to see their loved one to be in hospital? But I liked it Manik. I was happy. Because she was safe there. She didn't had to see all this drama everyday. And if she would have been home, Harshad would have tortured her too which I couldn't even imagine in my worst nightmare.

I was selfish. I wanted my amms to be with me forever. And for that I was ready to bear everything. Be it Harshad's assaults, his threats, his torture or.. or.. your hatred. But see the destiny. For whom I did so much has left me. Amms left me. I couldn't protect my amms, Manik. I failed her.

I can't return your money, Manik. It's a huge amount. I don't have anything. Harshad has already taken it from me except the one. Yes, I have transferred the murthy mansion on your name. That was the only thing I had as my own. It was on my name. But It's yours now. You can sell it or do whatever you wish to. I have talked with my lawyer already. He will send you the papers soon.

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