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we ran down the stairs, where students were scattered . everyone was screaming... if this isn't hell what is? ' come, come this way' su-hyeok said pulling my hand . we were going to open the transparent door, when one zombie ran up and hit it .

my heart skipped a beat. holy shit. we ran the other direction, then we saw one guy on a ladder hitting the zombies who were trying to get him .

then the man fell . I was about to run Infront to help him when su-hyeok grabbed onto my wrist tightly and pulled me back. I frowned at him and he ignored it .

we watched as the man killed stab one zombie in the stomach. however, he still became their lunch. well I watched. the other two were looking around . I grabbed onto Nam-Ra's hand, I was so scared. my heart beating so fast.

not only mine, Nam-Ra's and Su-Hyeok's heart were beating at insane speed too. 'the ladder's I said to Nam-Ra since she was so close to me.

I grabbed Su-Hyeok's arm getting his attention. I pointed to the ladder . he understood and ran there so quickly. Nam-Ra and I followed. we found our classroom and quietly place the ladder there.

su-hyeok climbed up first. he nodded saying that it was free of zombie then Nam-Ra climbed. ah shit the zombies are coming . before Nam-Ra reached the top I climbed.

so fast her feet was a step higher than my head. Nam-Ra got in, and the ladder started to shake . oh my god. su-hyeok grabbed onto me and I climbed in while the ladder fell.

Dae-su and Wujin closed the window . I sat against the wall breathing heavily . 'shit' I said catching my breath.  'are you ok?' su-hyeok asked me panting . I nodded. 'are you?' I asked still gasping for air. he nodded 'yes' .

I went to Nam-Ra and leaned my head on her shoulder. 'are you ok?' I asked. she nodded breathing heavily.

Su-Hyeok fell to the ground, then lay on the floor . ' it's that isn't it. zombie' he said panting with his eyes wide open. no it's Peppa pig. yes it's zombie HELLO!??

i looked at the guy wearing glasses standing at the door. I heard something coming towards to door. then suddenly SNARLS , a face with blood suddenly appeared hitting the door . I jumped.

the guy slowly went down, so the zombie couldn't see him. I heard more growling more footsteps. I tilt my head slightly to hear more. more ... more are coming.

'ryujin' i-sak called shaking my shoulder alittle snapping me out of my trance . I looked at her. 'are you ok?' she asked . I nodded not uttering a word. i-sak nodded then rubbed my back and went back to on-jo.

'more are coming' I whispered to Nam-Ra. she didn't say a word but that was sufficient. then more zombies slammed themselves against the window.

growling . hitting the window..their mouth covered with blood. this is a nightmare . I looked at Nam-Ra who was already looking at me. this is so overwhelming... why do we have to deal with this... we're just high school kids.

we were trained on what to do during earth quakes not zombie apocalypse. we have no idea what to do. why aren't anyone coming to save us. where's everyone . the police? the first line defense ?

the teachers... have everyone turned? this is literally testing our survival skills isn't it. gosh ...

' ryujin ah... ' nam ra said, I turned to her. 'do you think anyone is coming to save us' she asked. 'hopefully.' I said.

'gyeongsu ah, I don't think zombies know how to open doors.' I said . gyeongsu slowly let go of the doors , he sat on the floor moving back slowly.

' I think you're right' he said. 'lets fine a phone to call for help' someone suggested and they were all looking for a phone.

I went to the window, staring at this one zombie. he mouth was open, his whole face was bloody. I started to think about their parents , no more future for them. they won't be parents... won't go to college ... none of them deserved this.

' here ! ' i-sak said, finding a phone . everyone went and crowd around her. I stayed with nam ra at the corner. 'whose phone is that?' someone asked.

'its yeongju's desk' i-sak said. 'shit, it's locked' then they tried figuring out the password. and then genius cheongsan decided to use face id on yeongju who was already a zombie.

he place her phone Infront of the zombie hoping it would work. is he serious?  ' for emergency calls , you don't have to unlock the phone' I said gaining everyone's attention .

' she's right...just call 112' on-jo said. cheongsan dialed the number . and then called.

after the first sentence he said I knew no one's going to come.. who's going to believe that people are turning into zombies ? if you told me that people in hyosan high school is going to turn into zombies yesterday, I would have ignored you and still come to school.

no one is going to believe us. especially since we're high school kids. cheongsan call ended . su-hyeok came beside me and I stared up at him because he's tall . ( I'm not short, average ! )

' do you think they'll believe?' I ask him. 'yes maybe, not really' he said and I nodded. then I heard a someone falling .. no wait ... maybe they got pushed ... but it's not too far away . 'NO' a girl shouted. then the zombies who were outside our class moved towards the noise.

some time passed ... I sat beside Nam-Ra with my head's on the table . Nam-Ra sat so straight, how can someone sit so straight, there's definitely at 90° .

then Nayeon walk towards us, she looks like a grumpy kid who didn't get what they wanted. I sat up straight as she walked towards us .

'hey! do something! call Ms park to come and help us' Na Yeon said. WHAT??? ' do something ' she said.

'do what exactly?' I asked and Nayeon looked at me. both Nam-Ra and I stared at her with our resting bitch face. we're both known for it. I find our resting bitch face incredibly hot, Nam-Ra call me crazy for it.

'i don't know. anything!' Nayeon continued. man she talking as if she contributed anything. 'what have you done as class president?' Nayeon asked .

is she asking for a slap, because I'll give her it willingly. I snapped my head towards her when she said that. 'stop it' I said clenching my jaw and glaring at her.

'no. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE' Nayeon continued . she's asking for it. I stood up and Nam-Ra stood up as well grabbing my hand for awhile then letting go.

she walked Infront of Nayeon. meeting nayeon's eye . 'teachers office ? so you just want me to leave now?' nam ra asked calmly .

'well if you're offering ' Nayeon said. I scoffed. 'you told her to do something.' I said. ' do you want her to leave?' I asked making my way beside Nam-Ra.

'stop it ... you three' on-jo said . ' she's only saying that because you're class pres ' on-jo continued , making my head snap back . ' yea you are. right? ' dae su said . 'so just be patient , ok?' Wujin continued.

nam ra use to complain to me about how no one treats her like class president, only when they need help. when they need support . when they're at the verge of dying then they'll treat her like a class president. and she's right.

I snapped my head at them . if I keep snapping my head it's going to fall off I swear . Wujin covered Dae-su mouth and they slowly looked away.

'so stupid. typical ' nam ra said. 'what's typical?' on-jo asked. nam ra scoffed and turned to on-jo ' now that we're in this mess , I'm your class president?' she asked . it was a rhetorical question . Nam-Ra stared at her with her usual resting bitch face.

I sat back down and damn it was tense, I tilted my head back sighing. maybe a little too loud because su-hyeok heard and glanced at me.

' we called the police.. so I'm sure we'll be fine soon' su-hyeok said looking at me after finishing his sentence. 'arghh but no one's coming' Nayeon whined .

and then this other girl said ' ENOUGH already, we're all scared too' Nayeon groaned 'thats why I'm telling them to call' she shouted. and then the other girl shouted back . then gyeongsu asked them to stop and he got shouted at.

gosh. all of us are dead.

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