XII / I - Tell Them To The Stars

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Camilo Madrigal x Reader


TW: Self blame, mention of death and overthinking.

My angels if this stuff triggers you, please skip this chapter and the next one since I'll be splitting this to two parts. I'll put a recap on the chapter after part two. The mention of the topics are slight but they are a bit based from real feelings.

He didn't want to admit it but Camilo missed you. In denial again? He thought he was over that.

It's been hours after he left your home, and the sky started turning dark signaling the end of the day.

It wouldn't hurt if he come visit you again, would it?

And so, he walked towards your front door like your casual boyfriend.

'Wait should i give her something..?'

For him, it would seem rude to intrude without anything to make up for it. He only knew you for 2 days-- scratch that, 3 days now but he barely knows what you like.

'Does she like flowers..?'

"Do i even have anything on me?" He mumbled, and started checking himself, turning around and patting himself.

"You're here again? Madrigal." He felt a lump on his throat. Why is it that everything he gets into your door, he gets interrupted in an awkward moment.

"Good evening, señor. Do you think (Name) has enough rest for today?" He gave your Tiyo an awkward smile, surprisingly he chuckled.

"You didn't get what i meant this morning did you?"

"I did, Señor. You told me she was resting--"

"She needed a time out from people."


'Are woman this complicated?!' He thought, also, why didn't your Tiyo just said those exact words earlier?

"But I think she wouldn't mind seeing you. Come in!" He gestured at the door, stepping out of it to let him through, Camilo obliged, after all he's come to see you.

Walking down under your roof, it felt warm. Your house was simple but elegant, and perfectly organized. He pass by an altar that had pictures of different people, and he saw you.

But, it wasn't you. It was your Mom. Beautiful and young, preserve in a single frame. Camilo felt a presence of someone from behind and that presence spoke.

"So you met Bella's mother."

"She looked just like her."

"Well of course she does! She's her daughter after all." Camilo felt stupid for a minute. Of course you do, that was your mother after all.

"She's beautiful, Señor.. Just like her."

Tiyo Alonzo almost stopped breathing, he felt sadness wash over him, feeling overwhelmed with his words.

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