IV - Bella

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Camilo Madrigal x Reader


"He'll be fine ", Dolores quickly dismissed her worried thoughts for her brother. He can handle it, she knows he can.

She also knows he won't let it slip that she gave him the wrong name.

She has no choice, he was already far off the village looking for his muse named (Name). She can't find him in time to tell him her mistake. She entered her room and ploped down her bed, ' He'll be fine' .

Honestly, she's just curious to know what will happen

|| || || ||

Camilo made his way back to the cafe, with nothing but your name on his mind. He had a weird feeling about your name, for some reason. He didn't make a big deal out of it, thinking that he must have been just paranoid. He arrived at the cafe- took a confident  step in, and with a another huge  step...

He went back out again.

How will he approach you this time?!  He didn't plan it on his way seeing as his head was occupied with something else, or rather 'someone'. He silently stood outside the cafe door as if a statue, the working staff who are moving just as fast as the cogs in his brain noticed his absent minded standing, right in front of the door and one of them decided to approach him.

"Hijo, why don't you take a sit inside? More comfortable than standing in front of the door, I'll bring you some water if you're waiting for someone." Such kindness helped Camilo snap out his thoughts, he shook his head, his hands slowly making its way to his curls, touching them for comfort.

This was embarassing..

"A-Ah no need señor.. I was just looking for someone who works here."

"Ah, are they perhaps the same age as you?"

Camilo actually have no idea.

"I think so.. Señor."

The kind man smiled, "You must be refering to Bella, she went away from some time now, her Tiyo is also looking for her but she hasn't return since." Camilo nod his head to show he understood, he thanked the kind man for the information but before he went on his way to find wherever you are in this village, the man spoke again.

"My wife often take peaceful strolls in the Public Garden, she says she sees a lonely  young lady under a shaded tree, " Camilo looked confused, until it clicked. "If I'm not mistaken, she must be who you are looking for."

"Gracìas, Señor." Camilo gave the man a thankful smile and head his way to the Public Garden. It's been a while since he has been there, back then when Isabela used to spend her quality time in that same garden, showering it with lovely shades of different flowers, he would tag along.

The garden was a place for all, children, young-adults, lovers, seniors, married couples and even lonely people. He chuckled at the thought, a lonely young lady huh. Well, he wants this lonely young lady to brighten up, he's on his way.

|| || || ||

He wasn't even certain if you were really there but, he has been held up by three different occasions. Was the village always  this busy?! And why of all the days and of all the time, does it had to be now ? Today must be a special day..

A wedding celebration was being held, a couple of people asked for his help, naturally Camilo would lend them a hand but not even a minute has passed that he went on his way again, his assitance was needed by another familya who was preparing a birthday celebration, that's two now. And! After that, he ran across a group of people celebrating for no reason and asked generously for a bit of his time. He hoped you were still there, as the sun was setting and it was almost getting dark.

He arrived at the Public Garden, out of breath, with his hands on his knees. He made it but his heart sunk when he notice that barely no one was in the Garden anymore. Surely you're here somewhere..

He searched the place, making sure he didn't miss a single spot. The strong pillars that surrounded the garden made it look like a palace, and with the vines surrounding them like crowns, this place looked like a fairy tale. Camilo understood if you wanted to stay here, it sure was a sight- yes, it really was.

Because, he found you.

Under a shaded tree with a book in one hand and a mug in the other, a smile on your face. Your dress delicately plasttered above the blanket you place. The red and orange hues of the setting sun made you look like a painting, Camilo held his breath. Wow, you were still  beautiful and you will always  be beautiful.


This caught the attention of the said girl, her (e/c) eyes left her book and she stared at the figure in front of her. You grinned, as if you were expecting him. Your heart leapt with joy knowing you are no longer alone, you closed your book and set it down on your lap. Head slightly tilted, you welcomed him.

"Since when are we on nickname basis~?" You giggled, seeing him confused. His face lit up as realization struck him, then suddenly turned grim.

'Dolores, I will ambush you tonight.'

"Since you called me 'your chameleon',  hermosa." He didn't expect himself to reply smoothly, but he was proud he did after seeing  your face flush despite the colors of the sunset , warmly spread through out the Garden.

"I've been waiting for you, Camilo."

His heart suddenly beat louder, it was painful but blissful.

'Oh no, am i having a heart attack?'

"And I've been looking for you," He gently replied, he grinned mentally when he saw you blush again. For someone who could make the great Camilo Madrigal flustered, you weren't doing so well.

"Looking for someone you don't know?"

"Looking for someone I want to know." This time however, you didn't blush, you smiled lovingly making Camilo's heart ache.

' My heart is... concerning..'

"Shall i start?" Camilo suggested, slowly approaching in front of you and crouching down to meet your figure, staring at your (e/c) orbs. He held his hand out, " Camilo Madrigal, It's a pleasure to meet you."

You took his hand and felt a tiny spark, smiling like a mad woman, you only hoped you didn't scare him off. Wrong. It drew him in more.

"(Name) (Last Name), the pleasure is all mine."


Ha! 1000 words! All thanks to the motivation you readers gave me~
Thank you so much, this chapter is dedicated to youuu. I hope this is good.

Again everyone stay mentally healthy!


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