XI - Recharge

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Camilo Madrigal x Reader


" I'm tired.."

You mumbled, staring at the ceiling of your bedroom. Your hair sprawled all over your pillow, you haven't even changed out of your pajamas yet. A day after that lovely lunch you had with the Madrigals, you were now stuck in your room. All motivation and communication, lost. Why?

Because you needed to recharge [Heh our lil reader is an introvert here too].You did so much socializing within 2 days, your brain almost melted. You didn't hate all of them, just those rude costumers and men your age flirting with you nonstop . Camilo was an exception, and just the thought of him made you blush.

You remembered what happened after he teased you at the dining room. You chased him around Casita, towards the village, back to Casita again until you both were so tired from laughing and yelling. Well--mostly yours was yelling.

"I'm not done with you.." You remembered the words you said, while you pant next to him, both of you sitting on the ground.

"Aww, Hermosa. Were you really that mad?" You glared at him, crossing your arms and looking away. A few seconds later you laughed at your own actions, and Camilo just stared at you.

"Not that much, i just--" Unexpectedly, you jumped at him. This memory burst your brain cells to oblivion because you also wondered. What. The . Hell. Were. You. Thinking?!

You strangled his legs with yours and your hands were beside his head, trapping them. He got so flustered, unable to say a word while you smirk victoriously.

"I just wanted to get back at you.." You whispered in his ears.

"STOP!!" You yelled suddenly, and regretted it instantly upon hearing a chorus of footsteps running towards your room.

"WHAT WHY , WHAT HAPPENED?!" Your Tiyo Alonzo burst in, a worried expression on his features, his hand in a first ready to knock some sense out of an intruder he was expecting to see.

"E-eh? Bella?" Instead, he saw a really unenthusiastic (Name), staring at him with bored eyes.

"Sorry.. I kinda just yelled that out.." You said with a deadpanned look, your Tiyo gave you an angry pout and stomped out of your room.

Okay, what is wrong with people today?

And , what is wrong with you?

You were rechanging. And days like this you just.. lay down and think of anything you can think of, but at this particular moment, this particular person came into your mind.


|| || ||

Camilo sighed for the 5th time this minute. He can't find you.

You weren't in the cafe, not in the public garden, he thought perhaps you were at the great lake where the two of you went to yesterday but he forgot--.. He knows you're just in town.

There was only one place he hasn't gone to yet. Your house.

"Buenos Diaz. Señor, Señora.. I was wondering if (Name) is.. here?" The chameleon sighed, he practiced what to say in front of your Tiya and Tiyo but everytime he get at the end, his voice cracks and change its pitch. He ruffled his hair, taking a deep breath as he saw your house just a few steps away. Chest puffed and eyes determined, he confidently march his way at your front door.

Deep breath.

Deep breath.

His hands preparing to knock--

"Oh, Madrigal. What are you doing here?"

He can hear church bells ringing but it's not the good one.

"B-Buenos Dia-az, Señor. Is (Name) h-here?"

"Ahh, yeah. She's on her bedroom but she's not available right now." This snapped Camilo back.

"Not available?"

"You see--" Tiyo Alonzo started, leaning against the doorframe.

"She's like this small turtle--" He gestured using his hands, Camilo listened attentively , his eyes slowly turning into black dots.

"And she loves her shell so much, but sometimes, she need to get out of it so she can meet up with other people-- I mean, turtles!" Camilo hummed, understanding.

"But also, sometimes, she gets tired and she goes back to her shell to rest."

"So.. she's still resting?"

"Figuratively, yes."

So if he understood it right, you were just-- tired so you wanted to rest in for the whole day!

Convinced that was all, Camilo retreated back to his home. Your Tiyo wasn't a very strict person after all, he was also kind and charming.

Now that he looked at him properly, your Tiyo Alonzo looked younger than Camilo was expecting. Probably just a few years older than Isabela. A fine figure, his tanned skin complimenting his face, dark chestnut hair and youthful looking eyes. The guy can pull anyone.

"I guess the genes run through the family." He mumbled, remembering you also share an exceptional beauty, no one in his world can compare to.


This is a bit short ;-;
Im sorry, Im really a mess rn. I am tired and exhausted and honestly-- Im burned out, but i gotta write cuz if i dont ;-; I might disappoint you guys. As for today, this is all i got. I'll update again tomorrow so look out for it angels!


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